Reshmi Usha Ramnarine

Reshmi Usha Ramnarine - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 16th Mar, 2011 - 12:27am

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New SIA Director
21st Jan, 2011 - 1:20pm / Post ID: #

Reshmi Usha Ramnarine

What do you think about the appointment of 31 year old Reshmi Usha Ramnarine as director of the SIA (Security Intelligence Agency)?.

According to the Express, she has been attached to the SIA for the past four years where she held the post of communications technician. Past student of John Donaldson Technical Institute, she entered the SIA as a junior support staff member and earned a monthly salary of $5,000. Now, she will get a salary of TT$40,000.

Apparently, she lacks the educational background and expertise to run the agency and has no training whatsoever in the field of security and intelligence.

Source 2

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21st Jan, 2011 - 11:34pm / Post ID: #

Ramnarine Usha Reshmi

What I don't understand is the conflicts in her background. The Minister of National Security said the person is a UWI graduate with 9 years experience. Could it be that the Express just has their facts mixed up?

Post Date: 22nd Jan, 2011 - 11:46am / Post ID: #

Reshmi Usha Ramnarine Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

Ame: Ravi

Comments: Below is a copy of Reshmi Usha Ramnarine's resume that she submitted as part of her 2007 application for employment at the SIA.


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Persephone: Unverified and unrelated submission rejected.

22nd Jan, 2011 - 11:37pm / Post ID: #

Ramnarine Usha Reshmi

According to TV6 News tonight Ms. Ramnarine resigned from her recently appointed post as SIA director referencing that her appointment was compromised.

22nd Jan, 2011 - 11:41pm / Post ID: #

Ramnarine Usha Reshmi

Compromised? Well yes, after the Media showed her face on national TV and newspaper it was kind of obvious although the REAL reason is that Kamla and them couldn't provide the qualifications they said she had such as a university degree and 9 years of experience? I laughed when I read that...I mean the girl is working there for the past 4 years where is the 9 coming from and how was she able to get a degree when she didn't have one a couple of years ago and she was also working full time?

Politicians think we are all stupid or what?

26th Jan, 2011 - 12:08am / Post ID: #

Reshmi Usha Ramnarine

The media is not letting Reshmi Usha Ramnarine alone. Today on TV6 the National Security Minister admitted he was misled about the qualifications for Reshmi Usha Ramnarine. TV6 also did a search at UWI and found she did not have a degree. The government is being asked to give the reasons why she would be hired for such a top important position?

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27th Jan, 2011 - 2:20am / Post ID: #

Reshmi Usha Ramnarine

Why the Prime Minister was so upset over the questions by the media and asked to "move on". I doubt she would have said that if it was Manning or any other PNM politician in the exact same situation. Her credibility is close to zero at the moment.

16th Mar, 2011 - 12:27am / Post ID: #

Reshmi Usha Ramnarine Trinidad & Tobago / Caribbean

In the newspapers today they said she resigned. I don't think she had any other choice and probably she is working in some other area for the government.

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