Any of those could be the result yes its too early to tell but you know who most worried now - the COP. The COP seeing the ILP as the new choice to replace them because the way the COP handling this is like they are one with UNC. This making the ILP look like the next alternative.
The ILP is looking to get inroads into Tobago. I don't know if Jack Warner will get the same kind of welcome as he did in Chaguanas West especially since he was there 6 months ago and the TOP lost.
Jack Warner might be popular in Chaguanas but I don't think its the same in other parts of the country. He will be overly confident if he thinks he can win the rest of T&T like he did with Chaguanas.
So Jack Warner already promising $20 an hour minimum wage as a general election promise, that is not realistic because it will only cause a big increase in goods and services and fewer jobs being thrown about.
The ILP members in Tobago have all tendered resignation (Viewed on TV6) because they claim to not like Jack Warner's style of politics which focuses on discrediting others.