Port Of Spain Chaos - 24 July 2015

Port Spain Chaos 24 July 2015 - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 28th Jul, 2015 - 7:26pm

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24th Jul, 2015 - 7:40pm / Post ID: #

Port Of Spain Chaos - 24 July 2015

Port of Spain Chaos - 24 July 2015

Apparently, prisoners attempted to escape but ended up in a shoot out with police around the POS General Hospital. One of the escapees and a police officer were shot dead. People in POS are in a panic with many businesses closing and people trying to get out of the city. I personally observed police moving all over POS in heavy gear. There are also reports (Unconfirmed) that gunmen shot at the Central Police Station.

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24th Jul, 2015 - 8:08pm / Post ID: #

July Chaos Spain Port

Some people are saying that certain shops and malls were looted or robbed just after word of the shooting spread but the shooting at police stations were false so I don't know but all of this is very scary!

25th Jul, 2015 - 1:44pm / Post ID: #

Port Of Spain Chaos - 24 July 2015 Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

All this turned out to be was a prisoner escape and not what was being spread on social media. What it shows is that people are expecting another insurection by the muslims.

26th Jul, 2015 - 11:04pm / Post ID: #

July Chaos Spain Port

Hassan Atwell, one of the escapees, was found dead in East Drive River. The police say they did not do it therefore it is considered a murder as he was shot multiple times around the body.

Post Date: 27th Jul, 2015 - 7:10pm / Post ID: #

July Chaos Spain Port

Name: George

Title: Port of Spain Chaos

Comments: Putting the jail break aside and take a wider looks at what has happened here and is still happening. This is just part and parcel of what could be expected in this once peaceful island. The immediate problem is that we can no longer rely on what we used to call upright and honest security personnel to help us. Things have changed for the worse. Corruption has taken over, as the most widespread CRIMINAL activity here.is associated with financial personal greed. Where ever you turn there is a strong smell of corrupted individuals. Our politicians are corrupt, our police are corrupt. Our custom officers are corrupt ,our business folks are corrupt and most of all ,our judiciary are corrupt despite their denial. We just haven't got enough honest and willing citizens of authority to change things here. We are at war with ourselves,bad and corrupt elements of our nation have now the upper hand, and day by day we are losing the battle. Things are certainly bound to get worse despite the pretty pictures painted by the police and government officials.. We can only now be help by some international outside body or organisation which means draconian measures must be taken to get back on a normal track. The bad behaviour set by many adults in our society is now transmitted down the line to the young poor living in deprived areas of this island, among them, are many waiting and willing to join the bandwagon of corrupt and vicious criminals. It is such a sad situation and somewhat unbelievable that our adult legal professionals, political ,and security officials including the police are consciously or unconsciously helping to destroy and degrade our democracy by turning a blind eye to the causes of created fear and hopelessness.

28th Jul, 2015 - 7:26pm / Post ID: #

Port Of Spain Chaos - 24 July 2015

No one can fault the police this rounds but everyone looking at prison officers. There needs to be a total change around.

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