Trinis Living Abroad - Page 2 of 2

Of recent I've been noticing two types - Page 2 - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 5th Mar, 2010 - 7:01pm

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Yet still, they have lots to say about what we should be doing here?
27th Aug, 2007 - 9:10pm / Post ID: #

Trinis Living Abroad - Page 2

1. Those who defend the country as to being such a nice place to live are mostly either living abroad or have their 'foot abroad'.

I believe that the Trinis who defend their country while residing abroad are usually homesick or they realise how special and unique this country really is. For instance, during Carnival time, Trinis love to dance and show off their true colours with their friends and family. But most of all, they enjoy eating and drinking in the streets. I have heard from tourists being interviewed by our local media that, one of the favourable things about Trinidad is, being able to roam freely in the streets half naked, dancing to calypso and drinking excessively, without the police arresting you. I am not necessarily advocating this to be appropriate behaviour, but Trinis do miss this freedom. When they go abroad, the laws are very rigid and it is extremely difficult for them to adjust. When Trinis do not feel to go to work, they stay home but in different countries, if you are not committed to your job, then, you will be replaced in a heart beat. This sends a lot of shockwaves to Trinis since they are accustomed to being lazy and getting away with it.

2. The other thing is the ones who live abroad seem to have the most to say about what we, who are living here, should be doing to correct the country!

By nature, Trinis are very critical people. They seem to possess a wealth of knowledge on the difference between right and wrong. However, when it comes to living up to their own advice, they usually fail miserably. I suspect, Trinis enjoy escaping from their own hardships by criticizing others. I have often heard my friends complaining about how people behave, when they leave this country to live a better life abroad. If they do come to Trinidad to visit, they are constantly pecking away at the downsides of living here for instance, they may complain about lack of water or electricity; mind you, when they are living abroad, they never admit how much they are struggling to make ends meet. So I suppose the judgemental behaviour is serves as a way of masking their own problems.

Sometimes, Trinis are great actors and can be very disloyal to their country. They pretend that everything is perfect in their lives since they left Trinidad. They adopt the culture of other countries very quickly and regard Trinidad as being backward. Consciously, they are ashamed of where they were born and hope to compensate for it, by being critical and dragging down others, who are coping very well with living here.

Rather off topic, but...
Have you ever heard when Trinis go to Tobago, they pretend to be tourists? They seem to relish having a fake accent and ordering Tobagonians around? No wonder Tobagonians hate us!

I appreciate Trinis living abroad to make a better life, but now that you are there, do you think long distance 'help' really works? If the country is so great then why not stay here for the Education, the Medical, the Opportunities... the truth is they go away because these things are not all that great here.

Most Trinis would never admit that they left Trinidad because of the difficulties experienced living here. There are some Trinis who genuinely care for their people and miss the warmth and friendliness of this island. Although some are alarmed and concerned about the current state of this country, their advice may stem from the knowledge they have gleaned from where they are currently residing. I do not believe that all Trinis are looking down at this country when they are abroad, they are merely empathizing with us and just want to toss some words of comfort and wisdom to their people. But the whole heart of the matter is, when the grass is greener on the other side, we always gravitate towards it. But when life becomes unbearable, it is usually very difficult to find a solution to an overwhelming problem. However, if we are removed from that situation, we have a tendency of being able to advise others how to cope with a hard situation. It is laughable how easy it is, to give others advice and yet, very hard for those who once were involved in a similar situation, to follow their own advice.

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30th Aug, 2007 - 7:27pm / Post ID: #

Abroad Living Trinis

They adopt the culture of other countries very quickly and regard Trinidad as being backward. Consciously, they are ashamed of where they were born and hope to compensate for it, by being critical and dragging down others, who are coping very well with living here.

I can never be anything but a Trini no matter how hard I try!
No matter how backward I know Trinidad is, I like my parang music, enjoy Divali, Holi, and no worries. Even Trinidad will change, if not in my time so that is how cultures survive. I am even more ctitical of stupid Trinis (behaviour and attitude) who exhibit that kind of shallow undestanding.

Trini for ever! (pa ' siempre)
please excuse my language change!

Post Date: 12th Dec, 2007 - 11:33pm / Post ID: #

Trinis Living Abroad
A Friend

Trinis Living Abroad Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

I agree with that statement that Trini's abroad do not understand what it is like to live in Trinidad. I live in UT and I don't pretend to understand or to suggest anything to others who still live in TT. Reading about the crime rate isn't the same as living it. But we who do live abroad can be more understand and compassionate toward those that are havin a hard time in TT instead of giving advice on something you don't understand.


Post Date: 20th Feb, 2010 - 3:16pm / Post ID: #

Trinis Living Abroad
A Friend

Page 2 Abroad Living Trinis

Your statement

international QUOTE
... Trinis since they are accustomed to being lazy and getting away with it a very stereotypical, judgmental, and very uneducated one ... There are lazy people all over the globe - from ever race and culture ... So please generalizing is an offence, as well as an insult, to many. It is a good practice to show respect to make this world a better place.

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5th Mar, 2010 - 7:01pm / Post ID: #

Abroad Living Trinis

Of recent I've been noticing two types of Trinis abroad who try to give input here through Guest submissions (a lot of them are so badly written that they do not make it here but I get the gist of what they are saying all be it not very enlightening):

1. The first type is the ones whom I will call "Escapees" or they escaped what they considered the confining environment of Trinidad. "Confining" is left up to your imagination but can be understood well by reading through the contents of this Board. Most of these escape the crime, being under paid, lack of proper education (continued) and so forth.

2. The second type is the ones who just can't get Trinidad out of their blood but they want to live abroad for 'better life' or 'better salary'. Yet they want to tell others actually living in the country that they should like the life and salary they get. Doesn't make much sense to me.

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