[medieval] The Escort - Page 6 of 6

"DIE MONSTER!" Heric shouts - Page 6 - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 3rd Mar, 2004 - 10:48am

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28th Feb, 2004 - 9:44pm / Post ID: #

[medieval] The Escort - Page 6

The Game Master says...

Kettle says in a worrying tone,

"I don't know, Heric. I'm not much for gettin soaked, and all our gear as well... But how else do we continue? We know we can't get out and solve this riddle going back."

Shaking her head in resignation, Kettle removes her boots, and both backpacks, and wraps and ties them into a bundle in her cloak. This she hoists to one shoulder.

"Maybe I can keep some of this stuff dry," she shrugs and continues,

"Swimming isn't my best suit, mate, but I guess I can dog paddle across the deep parts... I just hope there are no creatures in that water...."

Heric agrees,

"O.k. then we swim it. We could go back to the room with the birds, we didn't investigate that room. Of course I don't really want to do that, so swim it is."

Heric begins to tie everything to his backpack, then begins to swim across the water.

You enter the cold water and it sends shivers from the top of your shoulders to the end of your toes, but fortunately the deepest part is only a matter of feet and you are quickly able to use your feet to push yourself upward and out of the water to the other side of the room.

LaReina watches on the other side and is not sure what to do.

You compose yourself in the room which has a well cut passageway to exit. At the start of the passageway are some strange writings on the ground.

Water covers half of the room and it is very damp and mossy, not a place to be if you get sick easily. In fact you are glad that no one has very poor constitution otherwise sickness would surely prevail.

GM: Say what you will do now.

[medieval] The Escort
[medieval] The Escort (Hover)

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29th Feb, 2004 - 2:10am / Post ID: #

Escort medieval

The Game Master says...

"LaReina the water is not too cold,come on." Heric says

After some hesitation she does and she makes it to the other side drenched.

You all feel very uncomfortable, you begin to tremble... you feel cold, very cold...

GM: Say what you will do now.

1st Mar, 2004 - 2:46am / Post ID: #

[medieval] The Escort RPG PBP Medieval World

The Game Master says...

Kettle nods slowly to Heric's advice, that to keep moving would warm them up.

"No, we can't stay long in here, Heric. I say keep on the trail, wherever it leads us... We need to be ready, and not let our misery cloud our judgment as we go. Take a steady course, mate. What are those markings ahead?"

Heric replies, "Okay then lets move on. A rolling stone gathers no moss."

LaReina watches you move on and says, "I will follow."

You look at the markings. They seem to be of some ancient writing etched in the ground and painted with a grey color so as to give it some kind of noticeable highlight to any passers by. Your knowledge and wisdom do not indicate anything to you about this and they (the markings) may as well have not been there for all you care.

Passed the markings the passageway continues to some steps.

GM: Say what you will do now... if you wish to continue on...

Offtopic but,
Notice the Updated Rules thread that reminds players and enforces what happens when members choose to simply drop out of a game without notification. This has been previously stated.

2nd Mar, 2004 - 9:50am / Post ID: #

Page 6 Escort medieval

The Game Master says...

Kettle speaks,

"Onward and up the steps. Perhaps it will be warmer beyond this chamber..."

Heric replies,

"Do the steps go up? I agree whichever way the steps go,we just need to keep moving.And those markings look like something I've never seen before. If conditions had been better I would have liked to investigate more......"

You leave the markings and follow the passageway to what seems to be some stairs. 'Odd that stairs would be here' you think to yourself, especially since they are so well masoned against the rock of the cave.

You walk up the stairs and you feel as though you are entering winter, not that it snows, but the cold that now rest on your cheeks feels ever so bitter. You wonder what could be the source of such an unusual environment when you eyes fall upon a coffin that is laid on a mound of well set bricks to one corner of the room. You cannot see much unless you step forward...

The light of your torch casts an outline on the rest of the room which is probably as big as the one Alex lost his life in, but the cieling is unusually low at about eight feet.

This sight plus the cold makes for a most suffocating feeling...

GM: Say what you will do now.

2nd Mar, 2004 - 8:59pm / Post ID: #

Escort medieval

The Game Master says...

As Herics eyes fall upon the coffin, he becomes startled saying through chattering teeth...

"A coffin? Everytime I run into one of these it opens, and I get dead."

Heric stops at the opening and thinks to himself 'Could this be a trap? How can we fight something that lives in a coffin? I will have to go in and see whats inside.'

"You guys wait here, while I have a closer look. If something comes out don't be afraid, we have made it this far."

Heric whispers to Kettle and Lareina.

"I will send a signal when the 'coast is clear'. Once you guys get in here with me, we will decide on what to do next."

LaReina frowns a bit at Heric and then says,

"What? Do you think a woman cannot deal with such folly? I will yet enter this place and make mush of whatever prey be in that there coffin, stand aside, boy!"

LaReina pushes Heric to one side and holds tightly her short sword which is ideal for such close quaters.

LaReina steps into the room looks left to right and then looks at you looking at her. She then moves closer to the coffin.


The coffin lid suddenly opens up and onto LaReina with such power that it throws her to the floor and seems to pin her there even though you know it cannot be that heavy.

All of you become afraid as a figure of dark eminence raises out in mystical fashion from the coffin with quick yet graceful poise so as to astonish even the great acrobats of the Village.

He looks down at LaReina who is now pinned on the floor and says with a dark tone...

"Such folly indeed, but you seem good for my dry tongue"

Looking at him you find that his clothing is of elegant quality and his eyes so piercing that he could turn you to stone from fright. He grins... with his grin you see what seems to be pointed teeth similar to that of a wolf... you once heard about such creatures in the Village... vampires!

The man now stands before you and actually allows LaReina to get up after she angrily throws the coffin lid to one end. of the room.

The vampire looks at her... "Be not at such haste woman, I have longed for a woman so and you are here...patience..."

GM; Say what you will do now.

3rd Mar, 2004 - 10:48am / Post ID: #

[medieval] The Escort

The Game Master says...

"DIE MONSTER!" Heric shouts as he begins to deal with the vampire.

"If a fight is what you want,then you got it."

Heric rushes in to deal a blow while shouting...

"Come on LaReina lets see if you can make up for your lack of intelligence, with some deathblows from that sword. Whatever happens we cannot let him get away."

Heric soon realizes that his long sword is much too long for this place and his swing though well planned misses its target and it gives the vampire chance to attack first...

With a sweeping claw of the creatures left hand he almost hits Heric, but with the second he suddenly jumps on him, holds his shoulders as though he were holding a long lost friend and then pierces his neck with his fangs...

Heric falls to the floor... dead.

LaReina follows up and misses miserably, but not the vampire which after a hard slap and push to the wall on one end of the room she finds herself encompassed by the darkness of his aura and his teeth enter the skin of her neck...

LaReina is dead.

Kettle is now ever afraid and starts to back up...

The vampire, now letting go of LaReina, turns his head quickly on Kettle and moves as if floating or flying towards her... but Kettle is quick enough to parry his hands which has what seems to be long deadly claws for nails...

Kettle fights back with her dagger, but this vampire moves with great speed and she misses.

He attacks and manages to scrape, but Kettle's armor stops him from reaching her skin.

She stabs again but as she misses the vampire take the opportunity to quickly move along side her and his fangs embrace her neck...

Kettle is dead.

GM: This game is over. You may place what you think went wrong in the Player's Journal Thread. To create a new character proceed to the relevant thread.

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