[medieval] Cleaning The Land - Page 8 of 8

During the night you make haste to keep the - Page 8 - World of Medieval PBP RPG - Posted: 2nd Mar, 2005 - 3:28pm

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11th January 2025's Text Adventure:
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1st Mar, 2005 - 1:26pm / Post ID: #

[medieval] Cleaning The Land - Page 8

The Game Master says...

The rest brace themselves behind the hill as Ice walks over on to the other side. As she descends you notice a strange call is made...

In the mean time Ice sees that the men rise quickly and they draw their swords with speed. They bunch together and one says,

"Look, it be the ghost of the night!"

With this saying one or two of the men back up from fear.

Ice, seeing their fear tries to hasten an explanation but they only reply,

"Stay where thou be ghost, we do not want trouble here today and we mean no harm, let us be!"

Those on the other side of the hill chuckle at the incident as it is amusing to them (low soul). You turn to Maicman who does not laugh... you look at him strangely and then notice there is no movement from his eyes... he is dead, you immediately become serious as his face turns pale and you roll over to get away from him. Just as you do you notice two black poison scorpions come from beneath him...

You shout for scare...

Ice hears the shout of her comrades and becomes disturb by their untimely favor. This scares the men even more as they immediately jump on their horses and start riding to the North leaving their burning fire.

GM: Say what you will do now.

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2nd Mar, 2005 - 3:28pm / Post ID: #

Land Cleaning medieval

The Game Master says...

During the night you make haste to keep the fire burning. You take the body of Maicman to place that is not near to your immediate camp. You are happy to see that the former campers left their light provisions to sustain you during the night. You hear the sounds of wolves voices to the South, but your proximity to the Village makes this area safer for you.

By the break of dawn you head into the Village tired and without anything. Each of you immediately journey to your homes to ponder your actions and report to Knight all that has taken place to which he says...

GM: The next scenario will tell you what Knight says. Party Stats have been updated.


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