July 27th 1990 Coup Attempt - Page 2 of 2

Today marks the anniversary of the attempted - Page 2 - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 27th Jul, 2014 - 11:04pm

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Trinidad Tobago Terrorism In Trinidad & Tobago
29th Jan, 2011 - 12:36pm / Post ID: #

July 27th 1990 Coup Attempt - Page 2

I was so sad to read the account of the daughter of Mervyn Nicholas-Teague who was killed at the stairs of the Red House that horrible day. I hope serious justice prevails.

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Post Date: 29th Jan, 2011 - 8:44pm / Post ID: #

July 27th 1990 Coup Attempt
A Friend

Attempt Coup th July

You all lets be honest you think after all this time true justice will come from this after two decades of a set of running around pointing fingers at each other. The 27 July coup attempt was more than just Abu bakr.

29th Jan, 2011 - 9:46pm / Post ID: #

July 27th 1990 Coup Attempt Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

I think something will come from this inquiry even if no one is actually charged with a crime we all can at least know what really happed in the 1990s to cause this disgrace to the country's reputation.

30th Jan, 2011 - 1:30pm / Post ID: #

Page 2 Attempt Coup th July

When I heard Robinson mentioning Manning I got that sick feeling in my stomach. I mean he must have proof to make that sort of accusations and where the heck is Abu Bakr now?

26th Jul, 2013 - 11:21pm / Post ID: #

Attempt Coup th July

The PM has mentioned the July 27th 1990 Coup attempt many times recently as part of a political campaign for Trinidad Chaguanas West Elections 2013. Those that carried it out on July 27th 1990, Abu Bakr and his followers had a peaceful march in POS. According to him on a TV6 interview, he said that the reason he decided to do what he did was because of the alleged murder of a police woman who came to see him four days before her death about threats she had received. Were you around for the Coup? Do you think Trinidad & Tobago has learned from it?

30th Jul, 2013 - 9:14pm / Post ID: #

July 27th 1990 Coup Attempt

They said the march was to remind the government to obey the law, what the hell... And what about them keeping the law, they think what they did was lawful?

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27th Jul, 2014 - 11:04pm / Post ID: #

July 27th 1990 Coup Attempt - Page 2

Today marks the anniversary of the attempted coup where many lost their lives. I can remember that day vividly still. The most poignant thing was our lack of food in preparation for the long six days after where the country was in chaos. Just imagine, those under 29 years old may not have any recollection of it at all.

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