Moving To T&T For Work

Moving T Work - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 18th Apr, 2009 - 9:35pm

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Post Date: 18th Apr, 2009 - 4:46pm / Post ID: #

Moving To T&T For Work
A Friend

Moving To T&T For Work


I am a Canadian, living in Canada right now. I have recently been offered a job in Trinidad working with a local security company. I am in the security industry, and would be going down there to train security personnel and help build their skills. I would like my wife and kids to come with me, but have no idea where to start.

We have heard that there are safe (safer) communities to live in, and my wife and I have spent hours on this site going over posts from everything from the crime to the good things. Although there seems to be so much more negative said about Trinidad, we don't want to be put off too early.

Understandably life would be completely different from what we're used to, and the culture alone would be a shock. We are still optimistic that we can find a suitable place to live there, as well as suitable schools for our children.

So here's some more specific questions, if someone would be so kind as to answer. If I am repeating any, please feel free to direct me to the proper post. Thank you.

1) What are the SAFEST (and I know that nothing is guaranteed down there) communities to live in - ie least amount of robberies, kidnapping etc....

2) Is the Maple Leaf school still open? I have looked at their website but it seems that it hasn't been updated in quite some time.

3) Are there any jobs that my wife could get down there... Not so much for the income, but just for something to do. She just finished maternity leave here (our son is 14 months old) and is currently running a home daycare. It seems to me that this might be something she could look into, as I'm sure there are other families from abroad looking for a safe place for their children. That being said - we would need a VERY safe place for my wife to be able to do this from home. Is this even a possibility down there?

4) It seems that there are quite a few security companies offering all types of protection down there. That is my area of expertise - personal/close protection, escort, etc. I have a lot of training, and experience - which is why I am a perfect candidate to come down and help some local companies expand their knowledge and skills. Seeing as how there are so many down there, why is it that the crime seems to be rising? From what I've read it seems that the people there feel that they can get away with more, as the local authorities don't really follow through on most cases. What kind of power(for lack of a better word) does security personnel have down there? Are we able to make arrests and assist the police like we can up here in Canada?

5) I would like to find out more information, if possible, on carrying weapons down there. I am fully licensed and trained here in Canada, and would like to know if security personnel down there have the permits available to carry. As well, would my wife (who is also trained and licenced here) be able to while she was at home or out with the children?

I'm sure there will be more based on your answers, but any information would be great. Sorry again if I am repeating anything in the post.
So sorry for forgetting to add this in my last post. I discovered too late that I forgot... And realised that I can't reply to my original posting.

6) What is an average income down there.... I have read a lot, but everyone seems to be quite vague when talking about specifics. Family of 4 (2 adults/2 kids) - would need a 3 bdrm house. What would we need to survive out there? We don't just want to 'live pay check to paycheck' - but be able to have a little room to enjoy ourselves. (in other words, if it ever did get to the point we would need to leave, we wouldn't like to get stuck down there with nothing in the bank) Obviously from what I've read we also don't want TOO much as to draw to much attention to ourselves. Any info would be great.

I am in the process of negotiation a salary with a company, yet don't have many facts to go off of. I've googled the crap outta it, and am still left with many questions.

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18th Apr, 2009 - 6:04pm / Post ID: #

Work TampT Moving

1. Westmoorings, Goodwood Park, Bayshore. Since you have kids, maybe Westmoorings is your option since it is more family oriented. ALL these communities are very expensive and there is a big amount of foreigners living there as well. They're safer BUT not immune to crime.

2. Yes, still open. You also have the International School of Port of Spain, the British Academy and a couple more Canadian schools (not in Port of Spain).

3. Not sure what is required for her to open a day care. There are lots and lots of day care centers in Trinidad. Cannot help in that aspect.

4. The big problem are gang related crimes and second, the police makes very, very few arrests. Most people do not even make police reports because the police do not follow through with their cases and MOST cases go unresolved.

5. I know locals who have weapons but I am not sure where you can find out more about it.

6. I cannot tell you because it all depends on your lifestyle. In the neighborhoods I told you about, renting a house there is at least US$3,500 (minimum) and up. And if you see the houses is your average house in the US or Canada, nothing spectacular but here considered "luxury". It all depends on the kind of lifestyle you want to live.

Post Date: 18th Apr, 2009 - 9:35pm / Post ID: #

Moving To T&T For Work
A Friend

Moving To T&T For Work Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

Thanks for the response smile.gif

Ok, that's all understandable. We are looking for a 3+ bdrm house, preferable in a community. I've seen what houses are selling and renting at, so we've got a pretty good idea there. We're more interested in the cost of utilites and extras.

1) Average cost of gas (or oil), electricity, water/sewage charges, school fees(if there are any costs associated).

2) Average cost of food there (family of 4)

4) Cost of gas for auto

5) May sound silly, but price of specific things- ie beer, wine, drink....

6) Cost of travel - T&T to Argentina, T&T to Barbados....

Thank you


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