Trinidad Hates Women?

Trinidad Hates Women - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 4th Apr, 2009 - 11:10am

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19th Mar, 2009 - 3:15am / Post ID: #

Trinidad Hates Women?

I read this letter on Today's Express. What are your thoughts about it? Is it Trinidad a society that literally hates women?

What do we tell a family who has just had their 14-year-old daughter so savagely taken from their lives?

What can we say to a young 12-year-old girl, who was gang raped by some of her fellow school mates?

What do we tell a mother, clinging to the frailest of hope that her daughter is still alive?

What do we tell that little nine-year-old girl being raped nightly by the one who's supposed to be protecting her?

What do we tell a family whose daughter's body was found dumped in a trash bag, like other garbage strewn by the roadside?

What do we tell the family who have given up hope of ever finding their daughter, but still pray for closure?

We live in a society today where nakedness is passed off as "our culture''.

Where at 7 a.m. You can hear popular radio personalities openly, and not so openly, talking about sex, and not in a good way.

Where females have grown accustomed to being treated like sex objects.

Are we now a nation that truly hates our women; a nation that doesn't respect or protect our women?

We must do better.


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20th Mar, 2009 - 6:56pm / Post ID: #

Women Hates Trinidad

The crime of woman is sad for me. I have cry sometimes to know bad men hurt the little girls. Is really bad.

24th Mar, 2009 - 6:05pm / Post ID: #

Trinidad Hates Women? Caribbean / Tobago & Trinidad

I would not go so far as to say that "Trinidad Hates Women." I believe that the "fairer sex" will always be the number one victim all over the world since we are physically weaker than men. All over the world, women are losing respect due to a distinct change in culture. I blame the media. If you look at certain videos, women are portrayed as brainless sex objects. If men who are mentally disturbed are looking at these videos, who knows what enters their minds?

It is very sad that in this country, we are learning about more heinous crimes being targeted at women and innocent children. We are in a society where violence is escalating and no one seems to care about it. The government is interested in anything else but the safety of the people who ironically, are the ones who voted for this present regime.

Women and children are often targeted in kidnappings and other heinous crimes since they are easier to capture than men. Women and children are in more demand when it comes to human trafficking because they are often used as sex slaves sold to the highest bidder.

Women should be regarded as an equal to men and we must change our thinking from, "women should be bare foot, pregnant, in the kitchen and should merely be seen and not heard," to women are emotionally strong, they are hard working individuals who always put family first, before anything else. They are also very intelligent and should not be regarded as sex symbols. Having the modelling industry also promotes women as pretty and only smart enough to be a model.

This country also needs to upgrade the laws and introduce new ones to protect both women and children. Restraining orders against abusive spouses need to be reinforced and taken seriously by the police. And finally, the government should introduce a social care services that will put the children's needs above the adults.' This is just a few ideas that need to be implemented to stop the violence against women. Just my opinion.

Post Date: 4th Apr, 2009 - 11:10am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Women Hates Trinidad

The silence of the lambs is broken

I wanted this issue to be light and fun, after weeks of hitting heavy issues, like abortion and domestic violence. Then a colleague came up and said, "I have a story for the Woman magazine", and I looked up with a bright smile, expecting a pitch about a woman who was doing something extraordinary, or an idea for a fashion piece. Then she said, "I was raped when I was 18." The world stood still. Ref. Source 9

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