
Neighbours - Culture, Family, Travel, Consumer Reviews - Posted: 3rd Apr, 2009 - 2:46pm

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3rd Apr, 2009 - 1:01am / Post ID: #



Does your neighbour talk to you on a regular basis? Is your neighbour the kind of person who will make a bowl of home made chicken soup when you are not feeling well? Does your neighbour volunteer to babysit while you and your spouse go out to celebrate a red letter occasion? Is your neighbour inquisitive? Do you think that your neighbour is too much involved in your personal affairs? If your neighbour is having a party, is he or she considerate enough to keep the music at a low volume or do you groan all night long because the volume is too loud and the music is played all night long? Do you have neighbours who make you feel to move?

What kind of neighbours do you have and how do you deal with the difficult neighbours?

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3rd Apr, 2009 - 1:17pm / Post ID: #


Presently we have great neighbors to the east side of us we have the children back and forth all the time. Real nice young couple, with two boys.

The west side is an 50's couple with teens, most part they are pretty quiet but have a yappy dog. Only when the teens neglect him. If he gets yapping and my wife or children are trying to sleep I pound down their front door and tell them to get the dog in before there is a real issue. It seems to help then after a few weeks I get to do it again. I am logging this and will be placing a formal complaint with the city pound soon.

If a neighbor is partying to hardy I usually just go speak with them as it is such a rarity. My last place a group parties all the time and the men in blue liked talking to them.

Post Date: 3rd Apr, 2009 - 2:46pm / Post ID: #

A Friend

Neighbours Reviews Consumer & Travel Family Culture

I have it real nice where I live. The east of me is a rented house that shares part of my drive. The current residence have been there less than a year. So far they are friendly and have little children. To the back of me is my big back yard and then the neighbors big back yard. Between the two of us we almost have a full acre of land. With my back fenced in I do not have to worry about people entering my yard. My big dog also makes sure of that. To the west of me is a college coed dorm. This is the first year of it being coed and so far it is real quiet. Across from me is the elementary school playground. That is the only real noise and that is just during the school year. I can live with that noise.

> TOPIC: Neighbours


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