Why Trinidadian Food Sucks
Oil and dumplings not your thing? Why does Trinidadian Food suck in your opinion?
I think Trini food is excellent. A good roti, or doubles, calalloo, stewed chicken, pholourie, and pelau really go down a treat. I think probably depends on whether a person likes spicy food or not. I suppose for a person coming from a culture were spicy food is not the norm then Trini food might be an acquired taste.
And I don't understand why anyone should eat pig TAILS or pig FEET! What meat is there on them?! Just because our slave ancestors were forced to eat them since the master took the good cuts of meat, doesn't mean we have to!
Name: Kim
Comments: Well some people tend to eat roaches snails frog you name it so I don't think you should judge my country on what you eat. In Trinidad and Tobago you are entitled to freedom of choice, so if you don't want it just say no and no sneer remarks please.
Name: Kyle
Comments: until 9 years ago all I ever ate was east coast food [shell food,fish,stew etc] then I was introduced to Trini food I have had [oil down,chicken,chicken foot soup,cook up,doubles] but with no napkin sort of roughing it that way sometimes you just got to live on the edge right now to-day my diet is 75% Trini food and 25% my home country food if you have an open mind about food you can travel the world in your own kitchen thats just fine by me by the way I enjoy Trini home made pepper sauce rank hot but good.
Right now the biggest reason it sucks is the price. Food is way to expensive. I was laughing when they droppoed the price of bread by $0.50. What does that do, nothing!