omigosh! ""? Well, that's okay, really, because I took it from a book I wonder why its for sale at such a high price?? Is it just that "domain seller" and could I get it somewhere else cheaper?
No, I haven't reserved my own name. Guess I better do that and stop procrastinating.
UPDATE: I ran a search, and it's available. Okay, so I can get the .com, but what about the .biz, .info, .org???? That starts to add up pretty quickly...
Edited: FarSeer on 21st Oct, 2004 - 4:56am
I think .com is fine, if you can, get .net as well, but do not bother with .org as anyone using that extension will have to prove they are a charitable organization. As for .US and .Biz - they aren't that popular and would not worry about it unless someone is really after your name.
I did it! I took the plunge!! Whew... it's all very exciting. My very own "Dot Com"! Of course, I won't really do anything with it... but it's nice to know that it's *my* name, and it's *my* domain