Which software media player do you use the most? Some examples are Real Player, Windows Media Player and QuickTime. I use Real Player quite a bit, because I have a lot of RealMedia files. I also like their DVD support. Some people seem to prefer QuickTime. Are there other players that warrant mention here?
It all depends on the file type. Most of the time I use Windows Media Player for .wmv, .avi, and .mpeg, but for DVD I use CyberLinks. For music I use WinAMP as it gives much better sound than others I have tried. The most hated for me is Real Player - I do not like when a program wants to control and dictate how I use it.
My boys use MusicMatch Jukebox more than anything else. It does the best job of ripping and making CDs. We once had a license for it, but have been happy with the free version for quite a while now.
Personally, I probably use MediaPlayer the most, just for convenience sake.