No Confidence Motion To Pm

No Confidence Motion Pm - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 15th Sep, 2008 - 11:55pm

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15th Sep, 2008 - 2:30pm / Post ID: #

No Confidence Motion To Pm

I thought we had this topic but obviously we did not. What did you think about the no confidence motion called by the opposition to the Prime Minister? Did you agree or disagree? Was it a waste of time knowing that the PNM have the most seats anyway?

I read this letter in the Express and I share most of its views:

After watching the news of September 12 , I have no choice but to agree with Messrs Lucie-Smith and Selwyn Ryan that Patrick Manning is indeed suffering from an acute case of hubris! What was disheartening, though, are the masses of Third World illiterates who allowed themselves to be pawns in Woodford Square.

Can't these people see that even though the Manning regime has bequeathed them with "free money" via URP/CEPEP, the real value of that money is being eroded every day by spiralling inflation? Can't they see that despite the economic boom we don't even have a functional public health care system? But in T&T, everything's a wine and jam.

Note that I hold no political brief for anyone (and am certainly not a fan of the UNC) but it appears that this country is beyond salvation. Since being "First World" is more a way of thinking than actual physical infrastructure, it appears that we will always be mired in Third World filth.

How dare those PNM cronies/sycophants stand there lovingly gazing at Patrick and telling the nation that they don't know who paid for the festivities? Â It was clear to all who chose to see - that the hard-earned tax dollars of productive citizens were once again used to fan the ego of Patrick Manning.

I fully subscribe to the saying: a country gets the government it deserves, and since we are a country of mostly educated and uneducated illiterates we have sealed our fate. I pray that when the most vulnerable in society I.e. the simpletons like those in Woodford Square start to eat the bread that the devil (Manning) kneads, expect no help from this quarter! Â

The Watcher


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15th Sep, 2008 - 11:55pm / Post ID: #

Pm Motion Confidence No

this thing was just for show. People say that Ramesh is eager for the UNC leadership and in a sense I can see why. I think it's more indicative of a potential power struggle in the UNC, more so than incompetence of the Manning government. PNM aren't popular as a government anyhow, and I think the core support are only there still due to race.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not PNM at all (or UNC or COP for that matter). But if Panday loses his case in court, then it seems all hell would break loose. IMO, Ramesh, Kamla, and even his daughter Mikela would all be vying for the leadership.

> TOPIC: No Confidence Motion To Pm


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