Police Officer Harbors Illegal Immigrant - Page 2 of 2

QUOTE (Cedrosian)It just can't happen. - Page 2 - Trinidad, Tobago / Caribbean - Posted: 29th Apr, 2008 - 12:58am

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Post Date: 29th Apr, 2008 - 12:23am / Post ID: #

Police Officer Harbors Illegal Immigrant
A Friend

Police Officer Harbors Illegal Immigrant - Page 2

Just a word of advice. In T&T as opposed to certain places in 1st. World U.S.A. male police officers DO NOT repeat DO NOT escort female prisoners. It's probably the only redeeming feature of policing here. Female prisoners are housed separately while in police custody and are only attended to by FEMALE police officers. The situation which was given prominence re 'male officer taking detained women for baths and sexual activity' is the product of a delusional mind soaked in a chemical/s. It just can't happen. In this respect T&T is light years ahead of our neighbor to the north relative to the treatment of female detainees. And to the sender of the e-mail 'I do not gossip I deal only in the FACTS' life is too short to waste any of it on gossip.

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29th Apr, 2008 - 12:58am / Post ID: #

Immigrant Illegal Harbors Officer Police

QUOTE (Cedrosian)
It just can't happen.

To anyone that uses the word "can't" I usually nickname "Thomas" especially when living in a Banana Republic. If some Police are said to be "dirty" by their own leaders then why can't some 'dirty' police not use their uniform or whatever else to intimidate an illegal, already full of fear and naive.

Rather off topic, but...
Instead of trying to use borderline sarcasm. I suggest you read our Constructive Posting Policy which you were supposed to do before joining. Within it you will learn that sources and keeping on Topic are the basics of Discussion here.

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> TOPIC: Police Officer Harbors Illegal Immigrant


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