Relation Description
Though I cannot stop thinking of the Draconic male, Cobalt, who I first laid my eyes upon and fell in love with, it has been some time and nothing has happened of yet.
It was on a late night before I was going to bed that I saw another Draconic who I'd never seen before, who I learned was named Alan. For being in a tavern, he was not in what seemed to be work clothes, but something a little nicer. He was dressed modestly, even with the hat he had on his head, but something about it felt very tastefully put together. I suppose that could be my vanity speaking again, but I am still young. Don't I have the right to be a little vain?
He sat up straight, had a pleasant smile, and seemed on friendly terms with those around him, something of a puzzle to me, but enticing nonetheless. How odd that I find myself looking fondly at him, that a barmaid handed me a mug of ale and gave me a knowing enough look, wherein I felt embarrassed all at once. But looking at his bright red scales and brown eyes, square shoulders, and gentle swaying as he turned to look at the others in the conversation, it was really a sight to behold. I can't really do it justice in this journal.
There was no air of drunkenness or debauchery about him, almost as though I was looking at the odd sight of a sunflower in a pot on top of a blacksmith's anvil. It is out of place to feel so at peace looking at a strong, yet bright figure such as Alan.