With the rise of Islamic terrorism I can see the rise of people who fear the middle eastern people due to not understanding that most are peaceful. The fact that there are some who are dangerous does not mean they all are. People need to learn to understand that many people are not dangerous but some will be not matter the race or religion.
Anti-Islamophobia effort faces backlash
San Diego Unified officials expect a big crowd at tonight's meeting over a recently launched anti-bullying campaign aimed at protecting Muslim students. District officials said many were concerned the effort would violate the separation of church and state. Ref. Source 7f.
Goodness, where to begin. First, yes we are trying to bar people from entering this country that come from countries that have failed Governments and who we know to either harbor or not be able to track terrorists intent on doing the US harm. There is nothing wrong with that. We barred all Germans from entering the US during WW 2 and no one yelled discrimination. We are just as surely at war with radical Islam today as we were with Germany then.
Next, the vast majority of American do not hate Islam or Muslims. We hate radical Islam to be sure. Of course, since they seek to enslave women, kill those who don't believe in their virulent form of Islam, and destroy the US, we're probably well founded in that hatred. Now, if the moderates would come out and identify those who want to do us harm we could eradicate this threat quickly and then everyone can go back to doing what makes them happy. The problem is, the moderates don't come forward… and so we have to do what makes us safe.