Will Islam Conquer Jerusalem?

Will Islam Conquer Jerusalem - Studies of Islam - Posted: 25th Apr, 2008 - 11:34am

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Posts: 7 - Views: 2636
HISTORY: The famous Muslim military leader Saladin was attempting to push toward Jerusalem from the south, with a force of 26,000 soldiers. He had pinned the forces of Jerusalems King Baldwin IV, about 500 knights and their supporters, near the coast, at Ascalon. Eighty Templar knights and their own entourage attempted to reinforce. They met Saladin...
Post Date: 27th Jun, 2007 - 12:28am / Post ID: #

Will Islam Conquer Jerusalem?

Will Islam Conquer Jerusalem?

Have you ever wanted to be part of those historic moments fighting on the side of Saladin against the Templars for Jerusalem? Take a break and have some fun reenacting history - Get ready:

Saladin Templars
Enter textrpg.com/jerusalemconquest

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3rd Aug, 2007 - 9:03pm / Post ID: #

Jerusalem Conquer Islam Will

Saladin was a Kurd and as such he had the discipline to unite the various tribes under his control. If a leader such as Saladin comes forth, unity will be close behind but the odds are against someone who is seeking such a beneficial end.

Conquering Jerusalem is a daunting task indeed!

3rd Aug, 2007 - 11:11pm / Post ID: #

Will Islam Conquer Jerusalem? Islam Studies

Yeniseri, have you participated in Jerusalem Conquest or are you merely just hypothetically speaking?

13th Aug, 2007 - 4:29pm / Post ID: #

Jerusalem Conquer Islam Will

JB said

Yeniseri, have you participated in Jerusalem Conquest or are you merely just hypothetically speaking?

My apologies JB,

You assumed that I had I an army which I do not and I therfore am commenting only. Any one who knows about the Palestine/Israel situaion know that the present day occupiers of Jerusalem are united and therfore, a formidable army/military.
Based on the question "Can Islam conquer Jerusalem" in reality NO but if the dynamics change then YES.
In the game version, it makes no difference! It's just a game.

13th Aug, 2007 - 5:39pm / Post ID: #

Jerusalem Conquer Islam Will

Yenseri, yes, I understand you... my point is this Thread is advertising a GAME. In other words the title is an incentive for those who like historical warfare in an RPG environment to come and participate. Maybe to get the gist you should actually visit the site:

Jerusalem Conquest, instead of races as in ROK you are presented with 'Templars', 'Jews' and 'Saladinians'. Each has a religious cause they were fighting for, but this game is NOT about religion, it is simply another reenactment of the conquest for Jerusalem.

Post Date: 25th Apr, 2008 - 11:22am / Post ID: #

Will Islam Conquer Jerusalem?

Name: Yunis

Comments: Islam is a way of life that started from Adam to the present man. The word 'Islam' or 'Muslim' means those who submit their will to the ONE GOD(who has no sons or partners); Israelis do just that. So it is already somewhat Islamic. I guess u mean whether Arab Muslims will take over Jerusalem or not. As a Muslim my ONLY source is the Quran; the Quran says: "..Oh ye Children of Israel, enter ye the Holy-Land of which Allah has WRITTEN FOR YOU..." (Chapter 2-the cow)
For that reason I believe Israel has its rightful owner...Dont you think it's Hypocritic that these Arabs are fighting for what they call their land in the name of God that has called the land Israelis?
I bet you didn't know that!

Source 1: Quran

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25th Apr, 2008 - 11:34am / Post ID: #

Will Islam Conquer Jerusalem

People, people, please READ the Thread before replying. This Thread is an ADVERTISEMENT for a GAME in which you can take on the role of Saladin and try to conquer Jerusalem - understand? See HERE.

> TOPIC: Will Islam Conquer Jerusalem?

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