Jesus In The Gospel Of Ahlulbayt

Jesus Gospel Ahlulbayt - Studies of Islam - Posted: 28th Apr, 2007 - 1:13am

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Post Date: 28th Apr, 2007 - 1:13am / Post ID: #

Jesus In The Gospel Of Ahlulbayt
A Friend

Jesus In The Gospel Of Ahlulbayt

There is a alternative but rarely noticed wealth of literature on the personality of the Messiah (Peace be upon him and his Holy Mother). This comes from the traditions according to AhlulBayt (Holy Saints proceeding the Prophet Mohammad).

Here are my favourites.

Blessed are they who mourn, for they shall be glad.

O bad servants! You blame the people on the basis of suspicion, and you do not blame yourself for what is certain!

O servants of the world! Your likeness is like that of the high tombs, their exteriors cause admiration in those who look at them, and their interiors are the bones of the dead, full of misdeeds.

O servants of the world! Your likeness is only like that of a lamp, which shines for the people and burns itself.

In truth I say to you, do not be like a sieve that expels good flour and retains the waste. Likewise, you expel wisdom from Your mouths, and hatred remains in your breasts.

In truth I say to you, water and fire cannot be put together in a bowl; likewise, understanding and blindness cannot be put together in one heart.

In truth I say to you, o group of disciples, surely today, you are like the alive among the people who are dead, so do not die with the death of those alive.

A man asked Jesus the son of Mary ('a), "Which people is the best?" He [Jesus('a)] took two handfuls of earth and said, "Which of these is the best? The people are created from earth, so the most honorable of them is the most God-wary."

[Jesus ('a)] said: "Blessed is he who abandons the present desire for the absent promise."

Jesus ('a) said: "Who would build a house on the waves of the sea? This world is that house, so you should not take it as a dwelling.''

Jesus ('a) said: "The love of this world and the next cannot come together in the heart of a believer, like water and fire in a single vessel."

Jesus ('a) said: "This world and the next one are rivals. When you please one of them you displease the other."

Jesus ('a) said: "O group of Apostles! How many lamps the wind has put out, and how many worshippers pride has corrupted.!"

Verily, Jesus ('a) said: "Why do you come to me clothed in the garments of monks while your hearts are those of ferocious wolves? Wear the clothes of kings, but soften your hearts with fear."

Jesus, Peace be upon him, said: "My hands 'are my servant and my feet are my mount; the earth is my bed, a stone my pillow; my blanket in the winter is the east of the earth and my lamp in the night is the moon; my stew is hunger and my motto is fear; my garment is wool and my fruit and my basil what grows from the earth for wild beasts and cattle. I sleep while I have nothing and I rise while I have nothing, and yet there is no one on earth wealthier than I"

There are many more where this came from. Reply to this topic or go to if you want more.

Reconcile Edited: Karbala on 28th Apr, 2007 - 1:14am

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Jesus In The Gospel Of Ahlulbayt

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I'd like this thread jesus in the gospel of ahlulbayt need more info fast maybe that to get the facts.

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