Convert To Islam By Force! - Page 4 of 4

I live in a country where there is a pretty - Page 4 - Studies of Islam - Posted: 26th Jul, 2007 - 2:18pm

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13th Jun, 2007 - 12:36am / Post ID: #

Convert To Islam By Force! - Page 4

Vincenzo, that is a well thought out Post, but it may go better under the Thread we have in the Religions Board about the most Violent Religion? This Thread is about Muslims specifically pushing or imposing their religion on people by force. For me, of all the religions I have seen in this modern day I will say that Islam is used (whether right or wrong) as an aggressively persuasive method for conversions more than any other current religion - again in modern times.

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13th Jun, 2007 - 1:57am / Post ID: #

Force Islam Convert

At the time I wrote it, I mentioned the forcing of other religions as to make sure that the topic didn't appear as to be saying it is only Islam that has done this...there is a rich history of powerful religions forcing themselves on people that predates the recent Islamic situation of today. I am not sure if the post goes there or not, but that is your call.

Truly in today's world, since there is a jihad and has been other jihads, there has been calls for many to convert or suffer. No doubt. The Ottoman Empire did this to some degree in the past and today we have several (againt most Muslims will call them extremist and do not represent the whole, but they are powerful none the less) key Islamic leaders calling for conversion or suffer.

25th Jul, 2007 - 7:37pm / Post ID: #

Convert To Islam By Force! Islam Studies

It says let there be no compulsion but in the past it has been noted that there were many forced conversion in the Balkans when the Turks invaded Europe! Today that is a positive attribute (no compulsion) but why can't Islam make similar positive statements to develop the worldwide community of Islam?

Why can't the Muslim policewoman constable shake the hand of her superior when Muslim men can hold hands with each other! Why is not wearing a burqa a reason to rape and assault women and then blame them for the act?
Why does a Muslim who has submitted to God seek to kill innocent women and children?

Where is the voice of the multitude to speak out against injustice in Islam? Most people only voice their opinion in private and as it were, that would be sticking out their necks for punishment.

25th Jul, 2007 - 8:37pm / Post ID: #

Page 4 Force Islam Convert


We have been discussing Muslims forcibly converting Christians to islam.

But consider that Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt,Iran and Maldives all have laws on the books that outlaw apostasy and carry imprisonment or the death penalty for those leaving Islam and those enticing Muslims to leave Islam.

If someone is a Christian in their heart and an "Islamic" Nation will Kill them or imprison them for wanting to convert to Christianity, is this not ample proof that Islam will forcibly convert someone to Islam. And mind you, this is not a small portion of islam as you have been saying. that is probably more then half of islam.

If this is true then should we not hold a little animosity toward islam as a religion if they want to kill converts to Chrisianity or those that want to share that faith. Where else are converts to Islam punished by death or imprisonment?

Post Date: 26th Jul, 2007 - 2:10pm / Post ID: #

Convert To Islam By Force!
A Friend

Force Islam Convert

The death penalty for proven public apostacy is definite is Islam and is a part of Islamic Law even though it is not found in the Quran. I have no argument there.

Firstly the thread is talking about forcibly converting Non-Muslims to Islam. If someone is already a Christian or a Jew then it is not permissable to harass them or to coerce them into Islam. This law does not apply to them.

Secondly you make an assumption in your statement.

If someone is a Christian in their heart and an "Islamic" Nation will Kill them or imprison them for wanting to convert to Christianity, is this not ample proof that Islam will forcibly convert someone to Islam.

Not quite. No law can legislate for a persons intention or secret actions. Only proven explicit actions are legislated for. Hence if a muslim harbours Christian beliefs in their heart and they do not publicise it then the Apostacy law does not apply. There have been cases where people have apostacised in Iran and left the country. Yet the Islamic Government does not pursue them out of its own borders. So therefore if muslims do wish to apostacise in Islamic lands they can leave and settle in a non-muslim land. The Salman Rushdie case before anyone raises an objection is different.

Where else are converts to Islam punished by death or imprisonment?

it is true perhaps that Islam is the only religion which takes such drastic action against apostates. Theoretically the West has similar laws for treason even if they are never practised. But one must understand (especially if you believe in the Bible) that the origin of this law is actually found in the Old Testament and is not peculiar to Islam at all.

26th Jul, 2007 - 2:18pm / Post ID: #

Convert To Islam By Force!

I live in a country where there is a pretty big percentage of Muslims and I have met many who have become Christians without no problem whatsoever. As a matter of fact, two little girls who go to my Church with their grandmother, their parents are Muslims and they are quite fine not only allowing their kids to go to Church on Sunday but also when their daughters tell them they are Christians and not Muslims (these girls are only 6 and 7 years old). I cannot even imagine what would happen if these same girls were living in Afghanistan, Iran or another Muslim nation in the Middle East.

But one must understand (especially if you believe in the Bible) that the origin of this law is actually found in the Old Testament and is not peculiar to Islam at all.

Correct but one must understand as well that Christians believe in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the "old" law was done away.

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