Muslim Workers Complain Of Religious Harassment

- Studies of Islam - Posted: 3rd Aug, 2007 - 11:48am

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23rd Jul, 2007 - 5:01pm / Post ID: #

Muslim Workers Complain Of Religious Harassment

If this is true, I think is just horrible the harassment these people went through. I hope the responsible parties are punished.

OMAHA, Neb. -  Supervisors at a meatpacking plant have fired or harassed dozens of Somali Muslim employees for trying to pray at sunset, violating civil rights laws, the workers and their advocates say.

The five- to 10-minute prayer, known as the maghrib, must be done within a 45-minute window around sunset, according to Muslim rules. The workers at the Swift & Co. plant in Grand Island say they quit, were fired or were verbally and physically harassed over the issue.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations has drafted a complaint to be filed with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The petition compiles testimony from at least 44 workers who had planned to sign the complaint during a meeting Sunday. The signing was changed to a later date because of a logistical problem.

Jama Mohamed, 28, said he was fired in June for leaving a production line to pray. Supervisors would not allow him a break, he said.

"Some of them took the (prayer) mat from me; they started shouting, they started telling me to stop it, and one of them grabbed me by the collar of my shirt," Mohamed said through an interpreter.

"I was crying at the time this was happening to me, and when I finished I told them while they were doing that I was in the middle of a prayer."

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24th Jul, 2007 - 1:13am / Post ID: #

Harassment Religious Complain Workers Muslim

Although disappointing that humans can reach the stage of animals, yet I am not surprised, what do you expect where at every turn you hear news of 'Muslims' or should I say proclaimed terrorists wanting to kill you. People are getting uptight, and they are beginning to react.

24th Jul, 2007 - 1:21am / Post ID: #

Muslim Workers Complain Of Religious Harassment Islam Studies

I disagree. In this case, I think the supervisors were angry that these people would leave their job to go and pray at specific times. Basically, they thought they were unproductive.

Post Date: 24th Jul, 2007 - 8:52pm / Post ID: #

Muslim Workers Complain Of Religious Harassment
A Friend

Harassment Religious Complain Workers Muslim

This isnt a problem for just muslims but for all religions. Religion as a whole just is not a priority any more and gives way for materialistic gain e.g. Production lines in this case.

Problem is that secular systems in the West were not designed to cater for religious needs. You see similar problem e.g. with Hindus, in Wales they are putting a sacred bull down because it tested positive for TB. Sometimes it can be difficult for employers to deal with differing demands. Even Christians in Britain have had problems with a air hostess told to remove a necklace bearing the cross because it contravened uniform policy.

JB: You seriously do not think this has anything to do with what CNN/FOX/Rupert Murdoch has brainwashed people about muslims.

25th Jul, 2007 - 12:08am / Post ID: #

Harassment Religious Complain Workers Muslim

QUOTE (Karbala)
You seriously do not think this has anything to do with what CNN/FOX/Rupert Murdoch has brainwashed people about muslims.

Are you really asking that? Yes, SOME people in general, especially in countries where they can be considered targets of extremism, have a hate, yes a hate. I know, I lived in these places. They may not talk about it openly, but the very look of a person from the Middle East, India, and so forth brings emotions. If they are employed, then this can mean an 'extra' reason to be harsh. That is to answer you too, LDS_forever.

25th Jul, 2007 - 4:10am / Post ID: #

Muslim Workers Complain Of Religious Harassment

I never really feel I get the full story on some of these events such as this one. However, if the company was denying all breaks from muslim employees, then they are in serious violation of existing laws and will pay significantly. If the muslim employees all tried to take off at the same time window (30-45 minutes of sunset), then we have a problem. Breaktimes in factory work are usually one of 2 ways depending on staffing levels. They are either very routine...same time every shift or they are as available depending on how many called off this day (basically how many spare employees are on site to cover breaks). Either way, what no company can allow is for a line stopping quantity of people to all take a break at the same time. Breaks are usually 20 minutes and we are talking about 44 people at a meat packing facility. Meat packing facilities usually do not have a lot of extra labor sitting around waiting to take breaks...eats up too much into the slim profit margins. So what I am not hearing is if the employees were told that they could not all break at the same time. Also, in all the factories that I have worked at, you are not allowed to just walk off your position without being relieved and authorized by a supervisor. This seems to have been the reason that 3 of them were fired. You just cant walk off your station in a manufacturing plant. It will shut the line down. That can damage the line as well as guarantee that the efficiency is lowered (cost increase, profit decrease). So, I would love to see what was actually told to the employees and what their responses were to this...because, as I said, there feels to be something missing.

That said, the supervisors reacted extremely poorly to the situation. If the employees were violating company rules by walking off their station without the proper coverage and direction, then they should have just been sent home or written up for that violation. They should not touch anyone in any fashion. Enough write ups and you will be fired. That seems to have happened to at least one of the people in the lawsuit.

This is a interesting situation. If by law the company must allow for all workers to be able to take their breaks when required by their religion, I can see there being a limit to the amount of muslims that they will hire. Honestly, I don't see this being legal as it is a pre-requisite that you stay at your station until you are relieved. You are guaranteed breaks by law, but there is nothing that notes when the breaks are to be administered.

I will look for more information on this case to see if there are any other details missing...sure feels like it though.

Rather off topic, but...
There really are dead people from islamic extremism. Ruppert didn't create them in his mind. There really are about 3000 dead from some people running a jet into a building. There really are people that hop onto buses and trains and blow themselves up. Perhaps they were the ones brainwashed?

Reconcile Edited: Vincenzo on 25th Jul, 2007 - 4:17am

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28th Jul, 2007 - 4:39pm / Post ID: #

Muslim Workers Complain Religious Harassment

If they need set times to pray then that should be stipulated in their contact. if it was not Discussed then I do not think one can just leave their work without any kind of notification to their supervisors just because it involves religion. What I am getting at is that religious beliefs should not override work assignments. If you do not like your work then do not take it or leave.

Post Date: 3rd Aug, 2007 - 11:48am / Post ID: #

Muslim Workers Complain Of Religious Harassment
A Friend

Muslim Workers Complain Religious Harassment Studies Islam

What I meant about my comment on the brainwashing of the media about muslims was not the obvious acts of extremist violence. It is the subtle fear created in peoples minds about Islam and muslims in general such that as JB pointed out this incident may have been a result of such propaganda.

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