Muslims Protest '24'

Muslims Protest ' 24' - Studies of Islam - Posted: 21st Jan, 2007 - 8:13pm

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Post Date: 20th Jan, 2007 - 11:45am / Post ID: #

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Muslims Protest '24'


Two years ago, Muslim groups protested when the plot of the hit Fox drama "24" cast Islamic terrorists as the villains who launched a stolen nuclear missile in an attack on America.

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20th Jan, 2007 - 4:00pm / Post ID: #

Protest Muslims

Boo hoo.

Muslim entertainment and news consistently paints Jews, Christians, and all Western societies as bad guys.

I applaud '24' for rejecting political correctness.

20th Jan, 2007 - 5:24pm / Post ID: #

Muslims Protest '24' Islam Studies

QUOTE (Nighthawk)
Muslim entertainment and news consistently paints Jews, Christians, and all Western societies as bad guys.

I do not think that one wrong corrects another wrong, especially in the Muslim world where there are so many factions that control various aspects of the image seen by the rest of the world. However, with that said I look at this and think so what... someone has to be the bad guy, but then I think... if it were my religion and if it were my religion being made to look like all of us are enemies of the State then would I make a fuss? We all in honesty will kick against it! I cannot blame them, with all the racial profiling and stigmatization why would you want a show out there constantly running that reinforces that idea? It does not matter whether they 'win' or not, but if it were me I would not stay quiet either.

21st Jan, 2007 - 8:13pm / Post ID: #

Protest Muslims

Not trying to get into the politics of this....

The fact is, that in the last two to three decades, the vast majority of terrorist activity, around the world, has been perpetrated by Muslims. Until the Muslims around the world start to stand up and protest the terrorists the stereotype will remain. Once they police themselves, then they can realistically protest other people noticing this fact.

As for the TV show, 24, it was wildly successful because it portrayed somewhat realistic possibilities, and tapped into the actual fears and concerns of people. I only watched a few episodes, and enjoyed them. However, the way the show flipped between characters made it difficult to follow a single story line. I just generally didn't like the way it was presented.

I thought that the main story lines of the seasons where I did see a few episodes were quite realistic and interesting.

So, with this in mind, and considering that the show that season was about a terrorist organization planting a nuclear bomb in a US city, who, other than Muslims, would you portray doing this?

> TOPIC: Muslims Protest '24'


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