Right Way To Beat Wives - Page 3 of 3

Why haven't the women in these cultures - Page 3 - Studies of Islam - Posted: 2nd Feb, 2015 - 12:22am

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11th Mar, 2008 - 3:13pm / Post ID: #

Right Way To Beat Wives - Page 3

Yes they are standing by their belief system and that is why one has to work in those boundaries to eliminate the violence. I do not have an answer that would actually do that besides rewriting the belief system.

I do know we where no better in just my grandfathers time, public awareness is what made the changes here. Let us all hope and encourage for the same changes for them.

real question is what lever does the European and American governments have to use in helping with this change. Personal level one can boycott and use movement groups but on what success level.

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Post Date: 11th Mar, 2008 - 3:45pm / Post ID: #

Right Way To Beat Wives
A Friend

Wives Beat Way Right

I do believe in some cases that are coming of light out there they seem to be working towards change. Some of the hot topics that we hear about have been looked over by some of the governments and some decisions have even been reversed. Not always for the good but it shows that people are willing and are listening to outside sources. Granted it will take a while longer maybe even a couple generations before the fruits of these early pioneers take hold and real changes come about.

11th Mar, 2008 - 4:04pm / Post ID: #

Right Way To Beat Wives Islam Studies

That is the hard part generations for a real change. But better that then never.

Post Date: 11th Mar, 2008 - 5:15pm / Post ID: #

Right Way To Beat Wives
A Friend

Page 3 Wives Beat Way Right

Yes generation for real change can make it happen. Look at the US and places in europe. There has been some changes for the good over time but it is slow and usually hard won to get those changes.

2nd Feb, 2015 - 12:22am / Post ID: #

Wives Beat Way Right

Why haven't the women in these cultures risen up and taken to the streets in mass protest for this kind of behavior to stop?!

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