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Does Islamic scripture justify jihad? A SDSU - Page 2 - Studies of Islam - Posted: 21st Dec, 2015 - 10:46pm

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Jihad Quotes
Post Date: 14th Jan, 2006 - 3:43am / Post ID: #

A Friend

Jihad - Page 2

You have been talking to some muslims and they tried to justify it although they disagree with it. Why is that ?

Can you please give more info about this ? with what reasons did they try to justify it ? The more info you offer me, the more I can explain to you about each one you spoke to smile.gif

Israel...Palestine....War....Jewish Army....Islamic Jihad....Hamas....etc

Now your taking about the biggest problem the world has. Its simple. I believe in Palestine but he believe's in Israel....and the war between us is on.

Jewish army kill's Palestinians each DAY and its considered collateral victims of war or simply wrong target. Palestinians kill jews and its considered terrorist attacks.
Trust me, This way of thinking and when the world objects about Palestine attacks and hardly mentions what the jewish army is doing with the Palestinians. Made the Palestinians think, screw this...kill them all.

Also keep in mind, Things got really bad in Palestine and the situation was desperate and no one doing nothing, this what created suicide bombers.

There is also suicide bombers them selfs and who they are. A guy who had his land taken and family killed by the jewish army, dose not really care anymore what you think or me or islam or whats right or wrong. He simply want's revenge. Dose not matter if he blow him self in an army base or a marketplace and believe me, there are many people in Palestine like this.

Al-jazeera is simply a news channel like CNN in the USA. They will discuss any subject and flame it if it would bring audience.

Some of these groups do represent islam but simply not representing it in the right way. Muslims will not disarm groups such as Hamas in order to please jews and american's although it dose make mistakes and commit crimes its still the only defense the Palestine has!

Do you know how many muslims did the US Army kill in iraq, Afghanistan....etc ?
You can't disarm the US Army just to please us or make justice !

Message Edited!
Persephone: Use the spell checker BEFORE posting. Use uppercase letters at the start of words that are names of countries, places, etc.

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Post Date: 2nd Jun, 2011 - 9:35pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]


Egyptian cleric: sell these people like groceries

Old evils are once again rearing their ugly head, and people are once again choosing to bury their heads in the sand and ignore it. An Egyptian cleric was recently on tape suggesting that it was "a real pleasure' to wage jihad, and that people should ease financial pain through the capture and sale of human beings. Glenn talks about the rise of hatred in the world that's being ignored (just like it was ignored in Germany during the 1930's) and why we cannot fail again. Ref. Source 4

Jihad (Hover)

Post Date: 9th Oct, 2015 - 11:18pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Jihad Islam Studies

Saudi clerics make call to jihad against Syria's government, Iranian and Russian:

"The holy warriors of Syria are defending the whole Islamic nation. Trust them and support them ... Because if they are defeated, God forbid, it will be the turn of one Sunni country after another," The statement said. Ref. Source 8z

Post Date: 21st Dec, 2015 - 10:46pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Page 2 Jihad

Does Islamic scripture justify jihad?

A SDSU religious studies professor says the Koran has been interpreted differently over the centuries and attempts to help the public understand the dynamics of Islam and answer the question of whether Islamic scripture justifies jihad. Ref. Source 7r

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