I have the trapper skill so I guess I can like check for traps? Also we want to know how dry the blood is please.
We're turning back and checking the other rooms. I'll first use my trapping skill to see if I see anything and then if I don't I'll first step in the room to search better and if everything looks safe then we move ahead.
We want to check the computer that first welcomed us again if we can get some details please. Also do we see any cameras or like signs of anything watching us?
Lets go back to the room we were just in and choose the door on the left. Like always we have our weapons ready.
We're going for the door on the same side we're at and we don't touch none of the stuff there but we'll look around for anything like unusual and stuff.
From the door where the noise is coming from we're going to stand with weapons ready on both sides of the door and peer in.
JB just letting you know we both made our rolls and if we can we'll try to escap through the door where the beds are to get away.