Pope calls for Palestinian homeland

Pope Calls Palestinian Homeland - Studies of Islam - Posted: 13th May, 2009 - 2:12pm

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Post Date: 13th May, 2009 - 2:33am / Post ID: #

Pope calls for Palestinian homeland

Pope calls for Palestinian homeland
Islam / Muslim Related

TEL AVIV - Pope Benedict XVI called for the establishment of an independent Palestinian homeland immediately after he arrived in Israel last night, a stance that could put him at odds with his hosts on a trip aimed at easing strains...
Source: New Zealand Herald - Islam

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13th May, 2009 - 8:08am / Post ID: #

homeland Palestinian calls Pope

This pretty well explains the attacks on him from some members of the Knesset. Apparently, he was not remorseful enough and that the message which is scrawled on Dachau Walls isn't enough in a speech but is enough for that site. I guess I cannot know the proper amount of remorse that should be shown since apparently I am one that should be begging for forgiveness as well since I am a Christian and according to this member of parliament...I am to blame as well:

Source 3
Source 9
Source 2

So yes, please, lets talk about how he was conscripted into the HY and that he didn't do too much during his time and that he had no choice. It keeps us away from the real message he delivered: The Holocaust was a horrible wrong that we must be vigil against ever happening again and that the way to peace in this land is a Palestinian State of some sort. Instead, lets focus on the fodder of the day and ask how many anti-aircraft shells he had to haul around while in the HY.

Making this trip, knowing that he is a German and has youthful ties to the HY, shows that he is a man of conviction. Hopefully, the real message doesn't fall on deaf ears. Although, I am almost certain it will.

Post Date: 13th May, 2009 - 2:12pm / Post ID: #

Pope calls for Palestinian homeland
A Friend

Pope calls for Palestinian homeland Islam Studies

I think that a palestine state is something that is needed but where they put it is something that is up in the air. If we do give it to them and place it on the Gaza area will they then stop shooting at Israel? If we do establish a palestine state and they keep attacking Israel then is Israel going to occupy that state? There is a lot of uncertainty in that region and how a peace precess will work is beyond me. I think for starters you have to get rid of the terroristic groups of Hamas and the Hezbullah.

> TOPIC: Pope calls for Palestinian homeland


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