Why Do People Stereotype Muslims As Terrorists?
If someone says they are Muslim or just look like they are from the Middle East then people begin to be fearful, why is that?
Unfortunately, it seems to be the age old problem of the minority spoiling it for the majority,when I say this, what I mean by this is that most Muslims are law abiding peaceful citizens, who never reach the eyes of the media, but then the minority step in as extremists, and automatically their terrorist actions are shown on tv, media etc, as they believe in dying for their 'cause'.
As in most cases that hit the news, it is always the terror, and hard hitting stories that people always remember ~~ In my humble opinion.....
I may be guilty of that too but a lot of them have like feelings for the people who commit terrorists acts even if they don't tell you that they do. Its like their hidden feelings. I know because I heard a guy talking like that he did not say it directly but he was kind of defending why they fight with bombs and such.
Why do they stereo type them lets see. 98% of all terrorist attacks are committed by men between the ages of 17 and 30 years old of middle eastern decent and are muslim in religion. No if the extreme Muslims would stop using terrorism as a way to cow the people around them as well as the rest of the world, then just maybe they would not look at men of middle eastern decent who happen to be muslim as a possible terrorist. But then again that is just my opinion.