Why Do People Hate Islam?

Why People Hate Islam - Studies of Islam - Posted: 28th Jun, 2011 - 3:07am

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Post Date: 21st Jun, 2011 - 6:24am / Post ID: #

Why Do People Hate Islam?

Why Do People Hate Islam?
Islam Related

Name: Ishar

Comments: Why do people hate Islam so much? When a Christian bomber kills a lot of people no one hates Christianity so much, so why Islam?

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27th Jun, 2011 - 4:35pm / Post ID: #

Islam Hate People Why

I think people and the media have done a very damaging job against Islam based on the incidents we usually hear on the news. However, most people don't realize that not everyone in a specific religion believes, thinks or acts in the same way.

28th Jun, 2011 - 3:07am / Post ID: #

Why Do People Hate Islam? Islam Studies

By "people", I am assuming you mean non-muslims. Honestly, most non-muslims have little to no issues with muslims. Most Christians believe that the religion is flawed, just like muslims don't believe the same as Christians and that their religion is flawed, but that is to be expected as they are different.

Historically, Christians had to be hated by a great many back in the days of the Crusades. However, Christianity evolved and in general is more peaceful today. You just arent going to find the number of bombings that you see from Islamic Extremism today, so the religion gets a lot of bad press. Had we had the press of today back in the crusades, there certianly wouldn't have been that many of them. Also, today Christian attacks are mostly against other Christians, so it is more kept in house...but there are still reports. Ireland has the IRA. While it really is a more political movement, it is very much separated along religious lines. The church also wouldn't condone the bombings of the IRA today, so they do it politically and without the blessings and in many cases specifically the condemming of the church that many of the members belong. Christians have shot abortion doctors. However, these actions are definitely fairly few as Christianity has grown up. The militant percentage of the 2 billion Christians are less then that of the Muslim faith. Within the Islamic world, there are many militant religious organizations that have stated goals against other faiths. With agendas like that...you will get noticed. There just arent that many militant christian organizations. You might have individuals that are bent, but few organized groups that are Christians and militant.

While I hate to have to add this as it is so cliche today to do it...I realize that islam is a peaceful religion and that most of the 1.5 billion of you that practice it, do so rightly. It is the percentage and at 1.5 billion even if we just say that there are 10% bad apples...it still 150 million (organized bad apples). It is the organization that really brings that bad light to the religion...every one understands a few bad apples.

Reconcile Edited: Vincenzo on 28th Jun, 2011 - 3:10am

> TOPIC: Why Do People Hate Islam?


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