Jupiter Ascending was one of those movies that could have been brilliant but just turned out to be average. The worst thing they did was choose actors not geared for this kind of movie. Then the way it was edited didn't give a natural build up it was more like one scene after the next after the next.
Name: Khan
Comments: There is no comparison between Jupiter Ascending and the Matrix! This is like comparing Star Wars with Doctor Who - they are each in a class of their own and Jupiter Ascending is in no class with the Matrix. It could have been better and maybe even a real boost to the science fiction lineup of outstanding films but instead it was just a "B-".
The story was simply not impressive for a modern science fiction plot. The film was pretty, but maybe people would have liked the movie better if they had gone in to watching it expecting less than what one would typically expect from the people that made The Matrix? Edited: Chris on 2nd Mar, 2016 - 5:15pm
Maybe when we saw who was directing it we did think we were in for the Matrix or better but that wasn't totally our fault because they did try to promote as if it was something equal to what the brothers did or better and it simply wasn't. Even being "Pretty" doesn't cut it anymore because even children's TV shows are made using the best of graphic animation and CGI now.