Best Games For Young Children? - Page 2 of 2

Yeah I would definitely say Gamecube also. - Page 2 - Computer Issues, Video Gaming - Posted: 17th Jan, 2005 - 6:57am

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So that we keep them from growing up to like games like GTA
13th Dec, 2003 - 7:59am / Post ID: #

Best Games For Young Children? - Page 2

JB said:

get a cheap second hand computer
Hey, I already have one, an old kind of slow one that I built a long time ago. Hmmmm. I think it still has a modem in it...

Interesting concept... I'll have to look it over smile.gif Might need a new battery!

She's been using my computer for some learning games and internet games, but it would be nice for her to have her own. Sure would save me some $$$ !!

Thanks, JB biggrin.gif

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Post Date: 13th Dec, 2003 - 9:21pm / Post ID: #

Best Games For Young Children?
A Friend

Children Young Games Best

I'd for sure go with Gamecube or Playstation 1 or 2.

The xbox is the most expensive and less suitable for littler kids. There are very little games out for it right now that littler kids would have fun playing. The controls are quite confusing too.

The Spyro Series for the Playstations is a very good series for little kids, Crash Bandicoot is also a very good series for youngsters. When my little cousins come over, thats all they play.

Post Date: 26th Jun, 2004 - 1:27am / Post ID: #

Best Games For Young Children?
A Friend

Best Games For Young Children? Gaming Video & Issues Computer

QUOTE (Leirsgrios @ 13-Dec 03, 4:21 PM)
The Spyro Series for the Playstations is a very good series for little kids, Crash Bandicoot is also a very good series for youngsters.

We love both of those series at my house. I must, however, point out a couple of things...

These games often require the use of a GameShark into which one must add codes (older GS versions) to perform certain special functions, and/or to beat certain levels/bosses. Also, depending on the child's skill, he/she will probably only be able to successfully play the first couple of levels. Although geared towards youngsters, these games have even proved quite a challenge for me and my husband.

One game my kids really enjoy is an old, rare PS1 title, Muppet Monster Adventure. We lucked out one day and found a used copy in decent shape at our local Electronics Boutique store for about $10.00. When one can find it listed on Ebay, etc. they can go for upwards of $75!!!

Post Date: 17th Jan, 2005 - 6:57am / Post ID: #

Best Games For Young Children?
A Friend

Page 2 Children Young Games Best

Yeah I would definitely say Gamecube also. I got it just for when my fifteen or so little cousins come over hehe smile.gif Let them take turns playing pacman and stuff on it, they really get a kick out of it and they're games that are geared more towards the younger age group. Xbox would definitely be the worst system to get since it's geared the most towards adults and playstation is sort of geared pretty well towards all age groups I'd say.

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> TOPIC: Best Games For Young Children?


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