Workers distracted by phone calls, e-mails and text messages suffer a greater
loss of IQ than a person smoking marijuana, a British study shows.
Ref. https://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/04/22...t.iq/index.html
I tend to disagree with the opinions stated in the article. In my opinion, being able to handle phone calls, emails and other forms of communication throughout the day keeps a person on their toes, and is a good indicator of how organized this person can be. I had to train a new person a couple of months ago and I remember her complaining about the second line on her phone ringing when she was already on a phone call on the first line. I can remember my coworker and I looking at each other with blank stares. Being able to multi-task may be a drain on people physically, but it also stimulates the mind as well, in my opinion. Maybe I have been subjected to the corporate world for too long, but this is how I feel about this subject.
I'm not sure I understand this article, it claims that a persons IQ drops by ten points simply by checking your e-mail throughout the day. Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought IQ was a measurement of how smart someone was over all. I could understand a temporary drop in effectiveness as your brain tries to deal with both an email and an external issue, but I don't understand how this can make you inherently dumber. As an interesting side note if you look at the advertisements off to the side you will see a notice to sign up for "email alerts." If you buy their logic then they would only be increasing your email load and making you dumber
I see it as a drop in productivity, but not IQ, as the article actually states from the beginning:
The constant interruptions reduce productivity and leave people feeling tired and lethargic |