Arcade Feedback
In regards to score keeping we have done it both ways:
1. Not resetting scores the winners always keep their crowns and it gives them the chance to defend it and others something to work towards
2. Resetting scores regularly so that everyone can get the opportunity of being champion for three to four months.
Which method do you think we should go with on a permanent basis?
I'm all for the resetting of scores so that others can have an opportunity, however briefly, to score a crown.
On the other hand, I would also like to see a "hall of fame" for those who have had really, really high scores in certain games. You know, unusually high scores, or even holding a crown for a record number of resets. Would that be "doable" here?
That hall of fame suggestion has been in my thoughts before, but the only problem I see with that is some may see it as 'I do not need to beat you now because I am already the Best of the Best, I'm in the hall of fame!'