I am a indie game developer. I do not make any money on the games I create. I am now in a sticky situation. See, I need to buy a domain name EXCEPT it needs to be for life, not a monthly or annual subscription. I cannot afford to pay monthly or yearly, as I am not making a profit at all from this. I have searched with goggle to no avail. I have read that some company was selling domain names that never expire for $200 but, was unable to trace it to a real web site. If anyone can help me out, I really would appreciate it.
In all seriousness I do not see how you can be thinking about paying $200 and yet beg not to pay a yearly subscription which can last for many years (2 decades or more) without even coming close to that figure. Besides, I have never heard of registering for life, there will always be some kind of renewable expiry date.
It really doesn't cost much to register a domain name. Perhaps you could make your games shareware and ask for a small donation after a short trial period. Say $5 or $10. If your games are successful and only a small minority of people actually every make that donation, you should be more than able to pay to keep the domain name paid.
I, also, have never heard of being able to register a domain name for life. I doubt this will ever be true. If this were possible, many names would be registered and then those entities would cease to exist for one reason or another and the domain name lost forever to anyone else. Doesn't seem likely to me.
JB and I both are involved in jobs that require us to register domain names. If neither of us have heard of this, you might want to be leary. Be careful you don't end up paying someone $200 and finding out it is a scam. Then you will lose your $200 and have no domain to show for it.
Edited: funbikerchick on 4th Nov, 2005 - 12:00pm