Cat Woman

Cat Woman - Comic / Anime PBP RPGs, Reviews - Posted: 22nd Aug, 2004 - 7:55pm

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The Movie
3rd Aug, 2004 - 11:43pm / Post ID: #

Cat Woman

Not bad, although most movies seem to contain the same action moves. This was made with the same effects of Spider-Man 2. The storyline was okay and Berry did her part well in my opinion. It is not something I would go to the cinema to see, so I was glad to get it on US$0.45 video. wink.gif

Rate: 3 starorange.gif' /><!--endemo-->  </p><div> </div> </div>



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7th Aug, 2004 - 1:36pm / Post ID: #

Woman Cat

Thanks for the review, I did not feel compelled to see this movie and with the reviews it has received, I feel I will be waiting for it on DVD myself. I did have a coworker who went to see it and he enjoyed it very much, but I have learned that our views on movies are quite different wink.gif Plus a CatWoman movie should have some reference to Batman, because what good is CatWoman without the Black Knight?

7th Aug, 2004 - 2:01pm / Post ID: #

Cat Woman Reviews & RPGs PBP Anime / Comic

I think that might be the excuse for a part 2 (introducing Batman into it), if there is ever one. Funny enough, Cat Woman was introduced on one of the Batman movies, but she was blonde wink.gif

7th Aug, 2004 - 2:21pm / Post ID: #

Woman Cat

Funny enough, Cat Woman was introduced on one of the Batman movies, but she was blonde 

Funny that you should mention that because when CatWoman was first advertised, I remember thinking to myself that Halle Berry was not the person I envisioned as CatWoman. Michelle Pfeifer, yes, which is why I enjoyed the BatMan version of CatWoman.

22nd Aug, 2004 - 7:55pm / Post ID: #

Woman Cat

Apparently Michelle Pffeiffer(sp) was asked to reprise the role of Catwoman for this but she refused, apparently remembering that the costume was a pain to get in and out of.

I also agree that there should have been some link somehow to Batman, maybe some continuity with the character of Selina Kyle (Pfeiffer's Catwoman), even if she was a different actress, but I have no idea who the character of Paitience Phillps (Berry's Catwoman) is.

I think there are two real reasons this movie was made. 1) Halle Berry's current popularity, and the current trend of releasing big-screen adaptions of comic-book heroes. In the past few years there's been Hulk, X-Men, DareDevil, Spider-Man, now CatWoman, and apparently on the table for '05 or '06 a new Superman movie, and also "Batman Begins," telling the origin of the Dark Knight.

I guess if you want to be a movie star in the 21st Century, get a comic book written about yourself. biggrin.gif

> TOPIC: Cat Woman


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