Is about 3 years afters the scary pandemic destroy my life, social interactions and right to have a job and live. As usual, all humans need a way to socialize and have fun. In the past, I wanted to play table-top RPG, but money was not my good point to pay a GM for sessions. So I wanted to play online, and I found some Dungeon Master in my country. Seems that start a new group for a campaign for begins was real time-consuming and hardness to put a common schedule.
I discovered anode tt RPG systems better than popular Dungeon and Dragons. I was fascinated from the light rules and freedom that gives the GM to create a custom Homebrew RPG. Furthermore, I was GM a game by myself as a [New person] and a good experience to get out the comfort zone, but I make a lot of mistakes. I have no GM from a long time, but I have a custom to look on YouTube or other GM streams. I have learned a loot and study more. Now I participate on game design jams for table-top RPG.
I wanted to make my own RPG system and campaigns. I have a lot of ideas to make some fun RPG.
Here I am to role-play on the play by post RPG.
Many have come before thee hoping to be the next Ruler of Kings, however they failed in many ways. Wilt thou be as them or have ye both the brawn and determination to take up thy weapon and seek the crown? If ye be ready then start to comprehend the Rules & Start, which is the vital preface of the Player's Manual.