I am here to find if this web site will be a place where we can further jointly be edified. It is my hope that I may contribute articles that will be uplifting to others. My desire is to be continually better informed and prepared to share the doctrines of the kingdom where appropriate.
I am a 2-way radio systems design engineer.
I have served a LDS mission in the Florida Mission from 1963 to 1965.
Welcome LDS Member
Thanks for posting your introduction message, this forum allows you to interact positively with many people on varying topics such as LDS Church news, Doctrine, the Book of Mormon, etc. The next thing you should do now is update your profile. You can do this by clicking the link called, 'My Controls' in the top menu. You may wish to venture over to the LDS Deep Doctrine board or the News & RM Section and have a look around.