How Fanatical Are You?
Some humans eat, sleep and speak Comics all the time. What is your degree of fanaticism in the Comic world?
When I was a young boy having a new comic every other day was as necessary as food. Then the Atari 2600 came out and my love for comics seemed to have died at that time. Years after that I picked up a comic and was amazed at how good the artwork and printing have become, but it was too late, my childhood crave for it was gone. So at present I am in no way a fanatic, however, I do like to be aware of the progress of certain characters.
I find that I like anime and comics more as I get older. I am able to understand more of the sub-plots and meanings than I could when I was younger. My tastes lean more towards plots, storylines, and character depth than before which has created a much deeper appreciation for them.
Well, I have to chime in and declare that I'm not a super fanatic, but I am addicted. I've read comics since I was a little kid and as I've accumulated years, I've gotten to know people that are really involved in the biz. I'm a huge story lover. There was a period of my life where I was relegated to novels, but in time I returned to comics because they are the only place to find the heroes and personalities I grew up with. I suppose, in a weird way, I'd say they've become part of who I am. A strange thought. So, now I read a number of books. I still read my novels. For me, it's really an enjoyable experience. I know it's pretty uncool for a 27 year old to be involved with superheroes, but I guess I just ignore those that would ridicule it. It seems to me that comics aren't just for kids, especially in this day and age. Well, I seem to be writing my own book here and will stop.