Stuff You Might Like To Know

Stuff Know - Comic / Anime PBP RPGs, Reviews - Posted: 9th Apr, 2009 - 11:26am

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6th Apr, 2009 - 2:27pm / Post ID: #

Stuff You Might Like To Know

Items: notes worth knowing:


Running feats and be done at half strength with one vitality point per round but can maintain for as long as you have vitality left. Full sped or strength will use same vitality but can only be held for one round per constitution point.

Flying costs:

One Vitality point per hour in the air, so long as the flyer keeps his or her speed below half maximum. When flying faster, up to ¾ speed, it costs one Vitality point per minute, due to the effort involved in fighting air resistance at such speeds. Speeds above 3/4 of your top speed will cost 1 Vitality point per round.


Whenever anyone uses their muscles, they may be using Vitality. In this game anything that takes less than half your Strength is considered effortless. Every five points of Strength beyond the halfway mark costs one Vitality point to use.


You can pull your punch when required that is select any number of dice up to your maximum.

Call shots: Is allowed but has penalties

-8 to hit Head
-6 to hit Arm
-2 to hit Legs
-2 to hit Torso
-10 to hit pistol
-4 to hit Shotgun
-4 to hit Rifle
-2 to hit Car Tire

Warning gun could fire off in attacks.

Vitality Recovery:
Lost Vitality points are recovered at a rate of one fifth (1/5)your current Constitution per minute of rest.
Constitution recovery

Constitution points lost will heal at a rate of one point per day.
This rate can double when the injured character is under a doctor's
care in a hospital.

Free Powers

Cat's Eyes Free Power

This "Free" power alters the characters eyesight, letting them see into the near-end Ultra-violet range. They will, however, lose the lower end of the normal human visual range. From Red through Orange and up to mid Green will be seen as black, or varying shades of grey. The character will receive no vision penalties in low light, half penalties in darkness, and will suffer full vision penalties only in total darkness, such as the
inside of a cave.

Striking Appearance Free Power

This "free" power gives the character an appearance that is so
unusual as to be downright odd. Whether unusually beautiful
or handsome, or inhumanly ugly, or simply odd (fangs, glowing
eyes, green skin). Just remember that this applies all the
time. You can't 'turn it off".

Non-Human Metabolism Free Power

If your character has a Non-Human Metabolism then his or her
physical and biological makeup is different from that of a normal
man: You might as well be from another planet. This difference
makes you immune to toxic gases, drugs, or poisons
that would kill a normal man, so that attacks using these things
require a natural 20 to hit you. This difference may be a mixed
blessing, however, since it also puts you outside of the area of
any doctor's knowledge, should you become injured. The most
a doctor or hospital can do for you is to bind obvious open
wounds, supply you with food, water, and perhaps oxygen, and
hope you survive. Blood transfusions, antibiotics, even pain
killers will not affect you (except on a natural 20).

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6th Apr, 2009 - 2:27pm / Post ID: #

Know To Might Stuff

Major Power:

Laser Attack :

With this power your character can generate light in almost any quantity, and can focus it into laser beams of dangerous intensity. The range of these beams is practically unlimited, though they aren't accurate beyond (DEX + level) x 20 feet.
Generating light, like that of a table lamp or flashlight is easy and you can even project visual illusions of the type known as "Holograms" anywhere within DEX + level feet, assuming there is a clear line of sight between you and your illusion.
These images may be up to 6 cubic feet of size per level, but remember that they have no reality or substance of any kind: Attacking illusions is a waste of time, but so is having illusions attack. To make illusions believable you must make a Save vs.
Intelligence on 4 D6. As a weapon Laser beams do damage equal to 3 D8 + 1 D8 per level, and cost two Vitality points per shot. Illusions cost one Vitality point to create, and 1 point per hour to maintain. Laser beams are reflected and dispersed by
ice, so you need a natural 20 to hit Cold Defense with a Laser, but Insubstantial opponents are DC 10 to Lasers: Insubstantial is not Invisible, so light still hits normally.

Control Atmosphere

Super Strength (Klar x12)

This is the ultimate in Strength boosters: Roll 2 D10 and multiply
the result by your current Strength. This is where you get
characters who can juggle cars and topple buildings. To compensate
for the tremendous advantage this gives you, you must
roll another Limitation for your character. Those who have this
power will never have any form of martial arts attack, as a
power or as a skill. If you already rolled this power then it's
lost: With Strengths of 100 + available, who needs Karate?

Minor Power

Laser Attack :

With this power your character can generate light in almost any quantity, and can focus it into laser beams of dangerous intensity. The range of these beams is practically unlimited, though they aren't accurate beyond (DEX + level) x 10 feet.
Generating light, like that of a table lamp or flashlight is easy and you can even project visual illusions of the type known as "Holograms" anywhere within DEX +1/2 level feet, assuming there is a clear line of sight between you and your illusion.
These images may be up to 3 cubic feet of size per level, but remember that they have no reality or substance of any kind: Attacking illusions is a waste of time, but so is having illusions attack. To make illusions believable you must make a Save vs.
Intelligence on 4 D6. As a weapon Laser beams do damage equal to 3 D4 + 1 D4 per level, and cost two Vitality points per shot. Illusions cost one Vitality point to create, and 1 point per hour to maintain. Laser beams are reflected and dispersed by
ice, so you need a natural 20 to hit Cold Defense with a Laser, but Insubstantial opponents are DC 10 to Lasers: Insubstantial is not Invisible, so light still hits normally.

Camouflage: (klar)

A common form of Invisibility is the
chameleon-like ability of camouflage. This simply lets
you blend in with the background, matching color and
appearance with your surroundings. Cameras will not be
able to detect you easily, though some optical detection
systems will. Note that you change color, visual texture
and pattern, but you do not actually generate any light:
You will still cast a shadow, which can give you away in
brightly lit areas, and will give opponents a general idea of
your location once they are aware of your presence. This
costs 2 Vitality per round to maintain.



Training in Demolitions teaches you how to prepare,
place, and disarm small bombs. Disarming a bomb made
by someone else will usually require a Save vs. Your
Demolitions Skill on 1 D12, with any bonuses or penalties that
apply. Failure will often mean that you blew yourself up, so
call the Bomb Squad whenever time and circumstance allow.
(Bomb Squad members are 12th degree bomb experts). This
Skill costs $500 per degree, and expert instructors are rare.
Save vs Intelligence to gain this skill.

Heavy Weapons:

This Skill is training in the use of such heavy
weapons as mounted machine guns, bazooka, and light
artillery. It is all but impossible to get such training outside of
the armed forces, and the weapons themselves are usually
unavailable and/or illegal. Save vs Will to learn this skill.

6th Apr, 2009 - 2:28pm / Post ID: #

Stuff You Might Like To Know Reviews & RPGs PBP Anime / Comic

This skill represents the ability to survive in harsh
wilderness environments. It may allow you to locate edible
plants, avoiding the poisonous ones. It will allow you to locate
usable water, or allow you to convert "unusable" water into
something drinkable. You should make a skill check on 1 D12
each day. Penalties may be applied if the area is one you are
unfamiliar with, or is particularly harsh (finding water in a
desert environment is harder than other areas). Bonuses may
also be applied, depending on the environment, and/or the tools
or equipment that you have.

Toughness is the learned ability to avoid serious
injury. You learn how to give with impact, roll with the punches,
and generally how to survive rough situations. Although it
is common among professional athletes, construction workers,
and anyone who works in a field where physical injuries are
common, it is considered a "Combat" skill. Each point in
Toughness lets you avoid one point of Con damage from nonpenetrating
injuries, up to one point per level of the character.
Save vs Will to learn this skill.

Unarmed Combat:

Unarmed Combat is a skill that defines a
variety of hand to hand techniques and styles. These styles are
developed by combining several different combat maneuvers,
called "Aptitudes", into a unified system.
Each Degree of Unarmed Combat skill gives you three (3)
Aptitude points. You decide what aptitudes you want to gain.
Aptitudes are: Punch, Kick, Power Attack, Lock, Evade,
Throw, and Speed. There is also a General aptitude.
Punch: Each point in Punch gives you a +1/2 to hit when
punching (rounded up). The maximum attack bonus is +1 per
level of your characte.
Kick: Each point in Kick gives you a +1/2 to hit when kicking
(rounded up). This damage bonus is applied before multiplying
by 1 1/2 for the kick damage. The maximum attack bonus
is +1 per level of your character.
Power Attack: Each point in Power Attack adds +1 per dice to
the damage from your punches and kicks, to a maximum of +3
per die.
Lock: Each point you place in Lock acts as a direct bonus for
martial arts maneuvers involving grabs and the Lock maneuver.
Evade: Each point in Evade lowers your Defense Class by 1/2
point in hand to hand combat, fractions rounding in your favor.
This applies when the opponent is using muscle-powered
weapons, such as swords or clubs, but not against any type of
ranged weapon, such as a gun or a bow and arrow (no matter
what the range). This also acts as a penalty for opponents who
attempt to Body Throw you.
Throw: Each point you place in Throw counts as a direct bonus
when attempting to Body Throw an opponent.
Speed: Each point you place in Speed is a direct bonus to your
initiative, when engaged in hand to hand combat. This can
improve your Initiative by up to a point per level of your character,
at the most.
Weapon: This aptitude allows you to use a hand held, muscle
powered, close combat weapon in conjunction with your other
Unarmed Combat aptitudes. You may gain apply your Weapon
aptitude points, or your Punch aptitude points (whichever is
*less*) to gain +1/2 per point to hit (rounded up), and +1 per
dice to damage when using the weapon you are trained in. If
you wish to be proficient with multiple weapons, you must
apply separate Weapon points to each one.
General: Each point you put into the General aptitude is a point
that can be committed to any of the other aptitudes at any time.
This "loan" lasts until the end of the round, and can't do more
than double the points already in the maneuver. If you have no
points in a particular move at all, you can fake 1 by committing
2 General points to it.
To see how this works, let's look at a normal human karate
instructor. We'll call him the Sensei. He is 5th Level with a 12
DEX, a 15 STR, and 12 Degrees of Unarmed Combat skill
(See the Martial Arts Instructor package). He has a brown belt,
and has applied his points as follows:
Punch = 9
Kick = 9
Power Attack = 3
Evade = 3
Lock = 3
Throw = 3
Speed = 3
Weapon = 0
General = 3
Since Karate emphasizes punches and kicks, he has placed his
points to make those his strongest areas. He relies more on
blocking blows than evading them (Block uses your Punch or
Kick points, depending on how you block).
If the Sensei had been a Judo Instructor, he would have had
most of his points in Throw, Evade, and Lock, with Punch and
Kick points used primarily to Block.
Using these aptitudes, you can represent any of the formal
schools of martial arts, or invent your own.
If your character has the Power of Martial Arts, aptitude points
in Power Attack simply give you additional dice of damage,
(Maximum of +1 Die per level) rather than adding points per
dice. Punch and Kick give no bonus to hit at all. At the risk of
being repetitive, no power, skill, or combination of power and
skill can give you an attack bonus higher than +1 per level of
your character, or do more than double the damage you roll.
Save vs Dexterity to learn this skill.

6th Apr, 2009 - 2:29pm / Post ID: #

Know To Might Stuff

Weapon Skill: This Skill represents practice and training with
close combat weapons, and can cover anything from traditional
weapons such as swords and clubs to unconventional
weapons like beer bottles and garbage cans.
The first degree of Weapons Skill negates the normal -5 penalty
that everyone receives if they are using an unfamiliar
weapon. Each additional degree adds +1 to your attack rolls
using the weapon. This bonus, of course, only applies to the
type of weapon that you have the Weapons Skill with.
Alternately, you can use this Skill to increase the damage that
you can do. Each degree used this way will add +1 per dice to
the damage rolled, instead of adding to the attack roll. Under
no circumstance will the total damage bonus for the skill plus
the weapon bonus total to more than the amount rolled on the
dice for damage. This reflects the fact that you can place your
attacks better, and strike more sharply.
When facing another opponent who is using a hand-to-hand
weapon or style, you may also use some of your Weapon Skill
points for Defense Class, dropping your DC by one point per
degree. Note that you can't apply more than one skill degree
per level of your character to defense. This reflects the use of
your weapon to parry, block, and generally keep the opponent
off balance. These points, like Combat Bonus, must be set at
the start of the round, and can't be shifted until the next round.
This skill costs from $10 to $300 per degree, depending on the
weapon you are training with. Instructors are not hard to find
for most weapons. Save vs Dexterity to learn these skills.

The Skill of Disguise lets your character change the
way he or she looks. Passing in a crowd without being recognized
is easy, and takes only 1 degree with this Skill. Passing
yourself off as someone else is a lot harder, and takes time and
preparation, as well as a greater degree of Skill (at least 5
degrees). There is more to Disguise than false noses, whigs,
and makeup. It is the ability to change old habits, to walk, talk,
move and act like someone else. A good Disguise artist can
walk by someone they know well, and not be recognized, even
though they used no makeup or masks at all. For most
Disguises, simply Save vs. Disguise degree on a D12, adding
any bonuses that apply. Use the table below for skill bonuses
and/or penalties that might apply. These are cumulative.

Good disguise kit _____________+2
Makeshift disguise kit__________+0
No disguise materiels___________-1
Using skill to hide______________+0
Using skill to impersonate________-4
Passing casual notice ___________ +0
Passing casual inspection ________ -2
Observer looking for imposter_____ -2
Observer knows imposter_________ -2
Observer knows person being impersonated -2

that nobody can maintain a disguise under close personal
inspection, so such situations are best avoided. This Skill costs
$350 per degree to learn. Save vs Personality to gain this skill.


This represents basic proficiency in hand to hand
combat. Some call it "Weapon Skill - Fist", but it isn't quite
that. Each degree you have with this skill adds a +1 to your
attack rolls in hand to hand combat, up to a maximum of +1 per
level of your character. Additionally, it removes any penalties
you might have when using make-shift weapons in hand to
hand (such as a chair, beer glass, or garbage can lid. It doesn't
give any damage bonuses, but it does make you more flexible
in combat. Note that for those with Martial Arts, they will use
the attack bonuses from either Brawling, or Martial Arts,
whichever is better. They do not add to each other. This Skill is
typically taught at night in bars and back alleys, and costs nothing
but blood and pain. Save vs Strength to gain this skill.

6th Apr, 2009 - 2:29pm / Post ID: #

Know To Might Stuff

Combat Skill:

This Skill is different from most others, in that
it does not describe a single, practiced ability. Instead, Combat
Skill is a catch-all Skill that covers a wide variety of Skills connected
to combat maneuvers and techniques. Each degree with
this Skill can reduce the penalty caused by a combat move or
situation. For example, Combat Skill at hitting moving targets
would reduce the attack penalty for hitting a moving target by
1. Combat Skill in Extra Action can allow you an extra action
in combat, and Combat Skill in Teleport speed would reduce
the five point initiative penalty that Teleporting in combat usually
causes. You can get a Combat Skill in just about anything,
and there are only two rules that govern it.
1) You must specify which maneuver you are getting the
Combat Skill in at the time you train for it, and which
penalty it will affect.
2) Each degree will reduce the penalty by 1 (or 5% on D100).
The Save to gain this skill may vary, depending on the specific
Combat Skill being learned, but it will generally be DEX.

First Aid:

This Skill is similar to the Boy Scout First Aid Merit
Badge. It allows you to give emergency care to people with
obvious injuries. This means people who have lost CON
points, and have open wounds or burns.
If the roll is made, then the person will regain a CON point
from a recent injury. Only one success can be applied to
injuries taken in each separate event or battle, and can never
restore more CON points than were lost due to that event.
If the person's CON is below zero, you can slow the loss of
CON points by one minute per point you make the skill check
by. A good First Aid kit may give a bonus to this Save, as will
the advice of a doctor. Lack of any supplies or bandages may
be a penalty to this Save, and may make it impossible to give
First Aid at all. The first degree in First Aid is free, additional
degrees cost $50 each. Fifteen degrees in First Aid is about the
same as being a Paramedic. Save vs Will to gain this skill.

No First Aid supplies at all---------------------Not Able
Improvised First Aid kit------------------------- -2
Belt First Aid kit--------------------------------- No Bonous
Large first aid kit (briefcase size)------------- +2
Paramedic Kit------------------------------------ +4
Help----------------------------------------------- +1/2 their skill
In combat or active danger--------------------- -2
Take one minute or longer--------------------- +2


This Skill represents knowledge of another language,
such as Spanish, Persian (or English). One degree in the
Skill means that you are able to speak haltingly, and understand
if spoken to slowly. Two or three degrees represent limited
conversation ability, etc. Speaking like a native usually
requires ten or more degrees. Language classes are easily available,
and take from six to 12 weeks to complete. Save vs
Intelligence to learn this skill.
(this above your native language(s))


This skill represents training and/or experience in
moving quickly when under fire. Each degree in Running adds
ten feet to your combat movement each action. This does not
increase the top speed you can run at, however: It lets you use
more of your potential in combat situations.
Speed x 15 >= Feet x Actions
Your total move per action, times the actions you take in a
round can't exceed your top speed (in MPH) times 15. Save vs
Intelligence to learn this skill.

The Skill of Tumbling teaches you to use acrobatic
maneuvers in unusual circumstances. This can include anything
from flips, handsprings, and summersaults to rebounding
off of walls, sliding,diving, or just knowing how to land on
your feet. You may also "Specialize" in other acrobatic areas,
such as tightrope, climbing, trapeze, or juggling skills. This
will give you a bonus to applicable acrobatics Saves of +1 per
degree you have in Tumbling. This Skill costs $300 - (DEX x
10) per degree. See Acrobatics, Page 19. Save vs Dexterity to
learn this skill.

6th Apr, 2009 - 2:30pm / Post ID: #

Stuff You Might Like To Know

Martial Arts

One of the most popular ways to hurt someone in the comics is
to simply punch them very hard, very fast, and very often.
Having the power of Martial Arts means that your character is
gifted in the fine art of close order mayhem. You might be a
trained boxer, a Karate expert, or a heavy-handed street
brawler: Whatever the explanation, your character is good at
hitting and hurting people. That "go for the throat" instinct
gives you several advantages in a fight: You are faster and
more sure with your fists, so you get an initiative bonus of two
points per level of your character, to a maximum of +6, and an
attack bonus of +1 per level of your character. You are at least
twice as dangerous as the average man, so you do twice the
damage that anyone else with your Strength would do: Roll 2
D6 of damage per 5 points of Strength, not 1 D6.
These bonuses apply to bare handed attacks, and to one type of
hand held, muscle powered weapon that is used in your particular
style. If you have the power of Martial Defense, the initiative
bonus always applies. No Power, skill, or combination of
Power and skill can give a better bonus to hit and/or to damage
than Martial Attack: +1 per level to hit, and double damage!
In addition, you will be able to anticipate any special combat
maneuvers an opponent tries (such as body throws):
Maneuvers calling for an Unarmed Combat skill check suffer a
penalty equal to your Level + 3. Martial Arts costs no more
Vitality than using your Strength for anything else. It is nearly
useless against Insubstantial opponents, needing a natural 20 to
hit, but treats Magnetic Defense as if it were DC 10 (unless you
are using a metal weapon).
Martial Defense Defense Class:Variable
The best defense is simple: Don't be where the other guy is
shooting. This is the essence of Martial Defense, which is simply
a talent for not getting hit. With this power your character
will have a Defense Class of (7 - your character's level). This
means that you are DC 6 at first level, DC 5 at second level,
etc. Additionally, your character is skilled at "Rolling with a
Punch", which means that you can cut collision damage by half
if the character knew the attack was coming. While this starts
out as one of the poorest defenses, it's the only one which gets
better with time (and levels).

Instant Change:

Many characters in the comics seem to be
able to change from their normal street clothes into their costumes
in an instant. This effect can be duplicated in the game
through either Transformation, which actually changes one set
of clothes for another, or by using an illusion (ie. An illusion of
street clothes covering a costume). The Instant Change Skill
requires that the character have either Mental Illusions, Laser
Attack (to provide holograms), Optical Defense,
Transformation, or some power that causes a change in form.
The first degree in the skill allows the character to change
between normal street clothes and a costume. In the case of an
illusory change, this means the ability to create the illusion of
normal clothing, and have it move and act with you when you
walk, run, sit, etc. For the physical transformation form, this
means the ability to change the clothing you wear when you
change shape, and have it come out relatively normal. To create
special clothing, such as military uniforms, formal dress,
etc. Will require a Save vs. Instant Change Skill degree on 1
D12, with bonuses or penalties set by the Referee. Save vs
Personality to learn this skill.

For Tipereth Anthropology his level = number of years studied. This is knowledge base so 4 means your almost done your still an undergrad.

Note if I missed stuff you like to see pm me I will add it here.

Make sure to SUBSCRIBE for FREE to JB's Youtube Channel!
9th Apr, 2009 - 11:26am / Post ID: #

Stuff Might To Know

Lift (STR/4.4 x 20)use x40 if not moving ie he lifts the car off the woman
Hand to Hand
Bonus (DEX/13.3 - 3)(negative numbers are no bonus)
Actions (INT/22.2) (This is how many extra actions per round with out penalty)
Running (DEX/4.4+5)

These are some items to have thoughts on. Now everything is imperial that is pounds to lift and MPH is speed running speed is holdable at half full our running starts costing vitality. Lift is similar half you are not bad over that it starts to cost. I am sure the details are in the abilities thread.

int 85 action per round is +3 all can make +6 regular moves. Round = 1 minute one action 10 seconds. Smarter you can be thinking farther ahead so you can make extra moves. More moves can be attempted but you take a penalty on the to hit rolls.

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