Eh, how to begin.... well, greetings, I'm Windcaller, or Anemone Coronaria, which is my taken name on the web. It's probably my first mature, age-limiting site to register (I'm exactly 16 years of age, surprise!), so pardon and correct me if I seem to be acting, um, childish.
I found this site through voting sites; see, there's another RPG community that I know of, and it has links to certain voting sites where I can find more RPG forums and this site happened to be the one that caught my eyes. As you might have guessed earlier, I'm here to role-play, preferably with people deemed more "mature." I'm attending an international school and it happens that English is my second language, so every time you spot a mistake in my sentences, please correct them. I'm pretty thick-skinned so you don't have to worry about public humiliation or politeness.
My interests include reading, drawing, writing, role-playing, computer-gaming, programming, chatting, occults, listening to musics and delaying homeworks as much as possible. It's nice to meet you all and I hope you don't feel uncomfortable having someone, er, so evil among your community.
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Why, Hello, thanks for greeting me and I'll try to visit here as often as my time permits me to ^.^; Maybe it wasn't really a wise decision to register here right now, since it's a final exam period here, but I promise I'll get more active as soon as I finish studying for it.