Hello, my name is Micah. I am retired due to health problems. I am LDS and thought it would be cool to talk to other mormons. I used to be a medical technologist in a hospital laboratory but also have a degree in math.
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I was more interested in applied math and numerical analysis. I taught math at a junior college for awhile. That is where I met my first wife. My first wife really did not want me to be a mathematician at the time because it did not pay much. She talked me into becoming a medical technologist. For a long time I felt like a duck out of water. I stuck it out and finished school and spent my career as a medical technologist. I regretted that decision though but do not blame her because we all have are free agency.
Much love to the teachers coast to coast,
Medical technology was my father's chosen field (at least I think: maybe he was a medical technician, still, cheers), and thus holds some sway over me.
Either way, nice chatting with you, and for a budding student possibly looking for his next career in a math-related field, I'd love to chat with you sometime.
Regardless, welcome again, and expect me to pepper you with bothersome questions about math.