Real Steel
What is your review for the entertainment value of the movie called, "Real Steel"?
Real Steel (Hover)
Set in the near future, where robot boxing is a top sport, a struggling promoter feels he's found a champion in a discarded robot. During his hopeful rise to the top, he discovers he has an 11-year-old son who wants to know his father.
Alternative movie poster for "Real Steel" as a visual example only:
Real Steel (Hover)
Real Steel is a great kids movie although it does have that violent aspect that may not be liked by some parents, but still the overall story of a boy wanting his father to fight for him is a good one.
Real Steel was an awesome flick. The bots were totally cool and I can see a video game for it soon if they don't already have on in production. Strong chance of a Real Steel 2 you think?
I like the robot that learn the boxing style and never down, its like the robot are a live, I think it can be more though, as the father take too much the activity, it would be a nice dynamic if the kid have talent in controlling robot and the father act as couch to bond them better, with similar plot end to give the spot light and appreciation for the father.