Does tax measure mean Comic-Con stays?
Signature gatherers are claiming that an initiative to boost the San Diego hotel tax will keep Comic-Con from leaving town. Not so, says Comic-Con, which has taken no position on the proposed ballot measure. At issue is the convention center's contiguity. The San Diego Union-Tribune
These superheroes fix costumes for free
Sometimes Comic-Con superheroes need their own heroes. For all the cosplayers who don capes, belts, spandex and whatever else at the San Diego Convention Center, Caitlin Brown and Todd Kimmell are those heroes. They repair costumes for free. Ref. Source 3o.
Should Superman Comic-Con statue be permanent?
Fans walking into Comic-Con could not get enough of a statue Warner Bros. Re-created of Superman, and some of them suggested it stay. The statue is made of foam and uses a light to project “false god” on Superman’s chest at night. Ref. Source 6n.