Red Or Blue Pill?

Red Blue Pill - Matrix Trilogy - Plugged RPG - Posted: 21st Jan, 2013 - 1:11pm

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Post Date: 15th Nov, 2004 - 3:21am / Post ID: #


Red Or Blue Pill?

If you were in my situation as Mr. Anderson and knowing yourself, which pill would you have taken if a strange looking character like Morepheus offered it to you?

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15th Nov, 2004 - 3:34am / Post ID: #

Pill Blue Red


I would have made the same decision as you Neo. I couldnt live with myself knowing that I was not in the real world and not in complete control of my actions. Of course, it is not clear what the blue pill would have actually done, because there is no record of those who took the blue pill. Would it have erased my recollection of my meeting with Morpheus and the events which preceded it? Would I ever have that 'feeling' again like Mr. Anderson did that there was something out there other than 'reality'; that the matrix was still out there?

15th Nov, 2004 - 5:40am / Post ID: #

Red Or Blue Pill? RPG Plugged Trilogy Matrix


I would probably do the same for the same reasons, although, once taking it, I would sure regret it many times after. Unless I would be the one, the Matrix is much easier to live in than the real world.

Post Date: 15th Nov, 2004 - 12:09pm / Post ID: #

Red Or Blue Pill?
A Friend

Pill Blue Red

There is no other decision then that. You can not take the other one at that point because you do not know what to expect....So there is really no decision

16th Dec, 2004 - 9:09pm / Post ID: #

Pill Blue Red


Every time I hear a debate about the choice between the red pill and the blue pill, I always recall what Cipher said to Morpheus' jacked in body after he had betrayed the crew to the agents.

Cypher: He lied to us, Trinity. He tricked us. If you'd have told us the truth, we would've told you to shove that red pill right up your a$$.

The question is not about taking a pill from a character such as Morpheus. The questions is whether or not you would take the pill if you understood what the Matrix was. Cipher's 'truth' is that in the real world, everyone is looking over their shoulders, looking out for sentinels, living in rags, eating mulch, etc. In the Matrix, you have what we have in our everyday lives; comforts, pleasures, vices. So the question is "what is the truth?" Morpheus touches on this in Matrix 1, when he first explains it to Neo. The question is whether Neo would have made the same choice at that moment in time when he first learns what the Matrix is.

11th Jan, 2013 - 7:08pm / Post ID: #

Red Or Blue Pill?


I will pick the red pill because I will want to know what is going on and what is this all about, I will also want to know what happens if I pick the red pill as well.

Reconcile Edited: Felipe on 11th Jan, 2013 - 7:09pm

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21st Jan, 2013 - 1:11pm / Post ID: #

Red Blue Pill


If it were reality I don't think I will be taking wither pill. People dressed up in black coats and shades offering you pills is not something that would make me relax enough to even swallow.

> TOPIC: Red Or Blue Pill?


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