About Plugged RPG

About Plugged Rpg - Matrix Trilogy - Plugged RPG - Posted: 9th Jul, 2013 - 9:09pm

Text RPG Play Text RPG ?

Posts: 4 - Views: 2834
Can you imagine role-play gaming in a world where anything can happen? Check here for info about the Plugged RPG.
Post Date: 31st Dec, 2004 - 11:58pm / Post ID: #

About Plugged RPG

Plugged Role-playing Game

The Architect has instructed me to overseer the development and implementation of this Role-playing Game within the community. The name, 'Plugged' is used to give the sense that once you are participating in this Role-playing Game you are 'plugged-in', a term referred to in the Matrix trilogy.

It is important to understand that this site in no way owns nor pretends to own any official Matrix themes, pictures or text. In fact only the technological concept of the Matrix trilogy is used here.

We do claim ownership of this Role-playing Games rules, scenario and scripts used within this Role-playing Game as they are ALL custom built and copyrighted and may not be copied or re-distributed under any circumstances.


The rules are kept within the Plugged Control Panel so that only the actual players may view them. This cuts down on copying, theft and simple wastage of bandwidth because of curiosity. This game as with all the features within this community is free, but because there are those who see to spam and abuse the system we have a donation system to help with the upkeep of these added features. In order to participate in Plugged Role-playing Game you will need to make a Plus Membership donation. This shows us that you are serious and interested in the development of this community.

This Board's Purpose

This is the player's 'playground of words' where they are updated with current scenarios as well as discussion relevant to the game. All other features are kept within the Plugged Control Panel.

The below image shows how characters are plugged into the Matrix.

About Plugged RPG
About Plugged RPG (Hover)

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Post Date: 24th Jan, 2005 - 1:27am / Post ID: #

RPG Plugged About

Understanding this Board

You will notice many threads on this board and some are accessible by you and others are not. Follow the guidelines below:

Human Name: / User:
Human Name is the name you go by in Zion. User is of course the Community Name. Threads that have a Human Name refer to users that have qualified for Plugged RPg and activated their thread. Within this thread you will learn how they came to know about the truth of the Matrix as well as their character's journal. (Characters familiar with the Citizen threads in Cozyville will understand the similarity). Here you will read the user's personal entries and experiences of life in Zion. ONLY the user is to post within their own thread!

Mission: / Briefing Room (Player Discussion)
This is where you and other players can interact about the current storyline. Only players interested and able to QUALIFY for a current mission (see thread requirements) should participate in a 'Briefing Room' thread.

Mission: / Participation Zion Rank:
This is where the GM updates the story. Players do not post here and these threads are normally kept locked. It is important to look at the requirements to play the game. For instance 'Zion Rank: 2' means that your character must be at level two in Zion (not to be confused with experience level) in order to participate.

31st Jul, 2005 - 5:18pm / Post ID: #

About Plugged RPG RPG Plugged Trilogy Matrix


How Do I Get Started?

Below is a sample step-by-step process of where you can go in Plugged. Some of these may be optional and others are required. The ones that are optional will have an asterisk (*) next to it. Some options have multiple choices and so 'a', 'b', 'c' are used. Keep in mind like anything new it will take a bit of time to get around things, but as you become accustomed you will see how easy it is. If you take the time to read the points suggested everything will make more sense.

Baby Steps

1. To play Plugged is FREE! Well of course you need to be a Member of the Community and have about 3FP at least to create a character.
1a. . You can donate if you need more FP, participate in a contest or just make a lot of Constructive Posts all of which is optional.

2. To begin click the link [Get Plugged-In] and take the correct pill.
2a. Access the [Player Rules] link (on the Plugged Board) first and have a good read.

3. Read all the sticky threads within this Board to ensure you have a good grounding of what to expect*

4. Now click on the tab called [Plugged CP] which is below the Rules (there is a green dot on it), when the new screen opens select 'Call Operator' to the lower left and have a good read of this page.

5. After reading the FAQ you can click the [Select] button below and see who else is involved with Plugged*

6. Press the [x] or close this popup window to remove the Plugged Control Panel better known as 'Plugged CP'.
6a. Optionally you can keep playing around with the controls there but do not access the [REL] link until later.*

7. Open [REL Control Panel] link (on the Plugged Board), a popup window will open and select [Qualify] to begin. Follow all the instructions given. When you have passed a series of three tests then you will have become qualified to play Plugged.
7a. At anytime you may click [Monitor Code] if you need to leave your computer and want the feel of Plugged awaiting your return.

8. You may now click [Create Character] and do as it says making sure to be wise in your choice.

9. Now it is time for the Board integrated part of Plugged, click on [Activate Thread] and follow the instructions.

10. When your thread has been created you can then keep a Zion journal of your character. You can look at the sample ones given by Trinity or Morepheus.
10a. You may keep this up to date as much as you like. If you are a very imaginative writer then you will find that your writing skills can be shown off through this.

11. Now you can choose to do one of two things:
a. Join a current scenario
b. Upgrade stats

If you choose 'a.' then look for a current Scenario (the Thread begins with 'Mission:' and has as its' description: 'Briefing Room'. The description part usually tells you what the requirements are to play that game such as a certain level in Zion or character experience. Once you have found the Mission you are interested in then read the first message to get details and reply in character to show your willingness to participate. See other Mission threads if you want an example of how this is done.

If you choose 'b.' then click on [Upgrade Stats]. You may then choose many options here according to your ability to do so based on level, experience, FP, etc. Keep in mind that some upgrades require either a certain Zion level (you can purchase that) or Character Level (you have to earn that through playing Scenarios).

12. Click [Calculate] anytime you create a new character or have just upgraded your stats. This ensures the Architect has the latest information available about improvements you made to your character.

13. When you have upgraded to a certain level you will be able to click on [The Real World]. Many of the functions there are self-explanatory and do not need emphasis here, but in brief this section allows you to gather info and upgrade your character even more.

14. When you have played two or three scenarios then you should be ready for [Enter the Matrix]. As above this opens a whole new world that is basically discovered as you click on the various links.

9th Jul, 2013 - 9:09pm / Post ID: #

RPG Plugged About


More Organized Panel

See attachment, which refers to the Key below:

1. You will now be able to access the most popular Thread about the Matrix Trilogy from the Board's Index.

2. You can access the Game CP (Control Panels) from here. There are little icons to differentiate each. Your browser must allow Pop-ups, frames and you should have Flash installed or you will not be able to full utilize Plugged.

3. These are the specific major Threads that deal with Plugged RPG.

About Plugged RPG
About Plugged RPG (Hover)

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The Wachowskis and Warner Bros. are the original copyright holders, creators and producers of the Matrix Trilogy. Material used here is on the basis of "fan" site. Plugged RPG is a FREE custom built Text RPG based on the Matrix concept giving Players a chance to use the Matrix Theme in a Play by Post environment.