Log: Trinity

Log Trinity - Matrix Trilogy - Plugged RPG - Posted: 9th Jul, 2013 - 10:25pm

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Posts: 5 - Views: 2314
A leader of women and brute to men in the Matrix she is only submissive to the love of the One.
Post Date: 12th Jan, 2005 - 8:52pm / Post ID: #

Log: Trinity

I am here, just lying here looking at this log and thinking about our mission to the Matrix just a couple of hours ago. It was routine, but full of its' usually ups and downs. We managed to enlighten a hacker that was in a depressed slum, he is now undergoing treatment for his severely atrophied muscles.

Sometimes I think about myself, about the times when I lived in the Matrix, unaware of the Truth that is out there. I am tired, it is yet another day until tomorrow...

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Post Date: 3rd Mar, 2005 - 12:44am / Post ID: #

Trinity Log

A disturbance above caused a temporary deletion of user data. We worked hard to restore the system failure using one captured machine and being plugged-in helped us to find the error quickly.

Post Date: 29th Mar, 2005 - 12:09am / Post ID: #

Log: Trinity RPG Plugged Trilogy Matrix

Recently, we have found that some humans are either unwilling to take the challenge or have not developed the eye - body coordination well enough to qualify to enter Zion. Later today, Morepheus and I will make plans with the Council to see how we can get their lazy butts into some rigorous action - darn, I hate these kinds of days.

Post Date: 5th Jun, 2005 - 6:26pm / Post ID: #

Trinity Log

Recently, I have found it ever demanding to keep track of the 'change-overs' a new nickname I have given the older ones that have discovered the truth. In fact one recently claimed depression. Maybe it is just too much for him, maybe he is not suited to be jacked up. I have no time for wimps, there is work to be done.

Post Date: 9th Jul, 2013 - 10:25pm / Post ID: #

Trinity Log

There is a sense of jubilation in Zion upon hearing of power being restored to the main system. This means that all those that were once part of the system can be plugged back into the Matrix thus helping to avert disaster.

> TOPIC: Log: Trinity


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