I actually ride the fence on this one, sometimes when I read it I think there is something to it, but other times when I just think it through I think its all bunk. My mother has a book titled The Secret Language of Birthdays. Besides the newspaper this book is my only experience of astrology so I have to rely heavily on it to make my assertions...
The book gives descriptions of people who were born for each day of the year. I encourage anyone to at least look at this book sometime. The descriptions are very detailed and it lists bad traits along with good. The descriptions for each day is very different and although there have been some misses the book has been accurate the majority of the time. When we first got it we tested it by reading our friends descriptions to them, but we read them the wrong page at first and almost everyone we did this to piped up with "That doesn't sound like me." But when we read them their page for real they had to admit that it was them- the good and the bad. Were it not for this book I would probably give anybody a funny look for saying they put any credence into astrology at all.
There is a branch of philosophy called determinism that states in brief that if you knew where every little bit of matter in the universe was, and what speed it was moving, and what direction that you could know anything right down to what someone was thinking. Perhaps astrology tries to duplicate the theory of determinism, but since it only takes the planets into account it gets some things wrong- just a thought and a little off topic as well I admit.
I have never seen anyone who believed in astrology very strongly so I have a tough time seeing it as a religion and one person that I know of who does lend it some credence also goes to church- (I don't know, can religions mix and mingle like that?) If anything I consider it a science- even if I sometimes consider it a cracked science.
One last thought, the horoscopes in the newspapers aren't any good and should not be used to formulate any opinions- there is a reason they are placed in with the comics.
Edited: Unferth on 20th Apr, 2005 - 5:01am
QUOTE (Unferth @ 19-Apr 05, 11:58 PM) |
I actually ride the fence on this one, sometimes when I read it I think there is something to it, but other times when I just think it through I think its all bunk. |
The art of Astrology is in fact a form of divination. It is not a religion, however it is part of many religions.
No one is going to perfectly fit into any one catagory, however they will have strong traits from that catagory. One does not use the casting of their chart to predict the future, instead they use it to better know themselves. Anytime one knows what is to happen in the future, that future can be altered. Instead people from certain religions use it to help them find the path that they need to walk in life, they use it to have faith and hope in their religion. I personally see nothing wrong with it.
I have casted my Astrological chart and in fact I do fit some of the traits of many planets within my chart. It isn't a all knowing thing, it is something that you work on and with.
In reference to SteveB's post comparing the Zodiac to the Mazzaroth:
I always find it interesting when the Bible adapts something older into its own teachings, and then damns the old teachings. That is essentially what this is. Twelve symbols, painted in the sky, telling a story and inspiring their audience to believe? That's a zodiac, no matter what ethos or doctrine you put behind it.
All kinds of cultures have their own zodiacs, and not all of them have twelve characters, either. The fact that the Mazzaroth so closely compares to the astrological zodiac hints more of a political maneuver on the part of the authors of those particular Books than it does the actual Word of God. Sort of like how the Romans adopted the Greek ethos when they came, saw and conquered. It's easier just to change the names of the dieties people already believe in than to force a whole new doctrine on them. A truly Christian perspective would have been truly, completely different than the "heathen" ways that came before.
Not trying to discredit your beliefs, SteveB . . . just making an observation. Personally, I don't care what people "call" things. It's really just semantics, and it's all the same story no matter who's telling it.
(This next part runs on the idea that, when explaining how things work, our perceptions are more important than what actually is.)
QUOTE (Unferth) |
Perhaps astrology tries to duplicate the theory of determinism, but since it only takes the planets into account it gets some things wrong |
Offtopic but,
I think that's really the point of ANY set of beliefs, whether you call it a religion or not. |
QUOTE (Neo) |
Do you believe in Zodiac Signs as a means to reveal a person's future based on planetary positions and movements as some humans do? Can this be considered a religion. Is it something of darkness or light - fake or legit? What are your views? |
Offtopic but, I don't believe any of this is off topic . . . otherwise I wouldn't have posted it, right? I think this all goes to point out the reasoning behind my views, and without that, my views are nothing. The whole point was to discuss whether astrology is real or not, and this is how I've defended my position. I only bring this up because I've noticed many of my other posts in different threads have been edited by moderators as "off topic." |
I do not read my horoscope all the time and I do not base my life upon what it says when I do, but I do notice there are alot of things about my Zodiac sign that are strangely accurate. Sometimes it is so accurate that it is scary, but because I do not base my life on it, I just smile and say "That is interesting". As far as my birthstone is concerned, I don't believe that has to do with any of my personality or anything, but it does happen to be my favorite color. I am strange enough that the "flower of my birth month" became my favorite flower, next to the rose, the moment I found out what it was.
The Sign for the year, 2007 Orion cutting off the head ot the beast and judgement of the Scarlet Whore.
God has given signs in the heavens, hidden by the light of the Sun, yet revealed to his Elect thru faith in Him.
Here is the First sign:
When Orion rises in the morning, Mercury (a messenger of God) in his hand, and the Sun (God) with him, Mars (war) is over the head of Cetus (Leviathan, the scarlet whore). The Little Bear begins pushing Drayco toward the Ground.
At the same time Venus (Messiah of Israel) and Saturn (social change) coming together in Leo (sign of the return). Jupiter (God of Gods, protector) is over Scorpio (the enemy).
In the west Aquila (the Eagle) falls to the ground. Then Aquarius (the one who goeth and returneth) pours out his water (Holy Spirit) to the fish (Elect) preceding the fall of Cetus (Leviathan) and Pices (the fish) to the ground.
And after this, Mars (war) moves into Taurus (Israel) and the Sun moves to Cancer (assembly of the Elect, the separated, the called out).
And then,
The Sun in Leo, Mercury in Leo, Venus in Leo, Saturn in Leo, Mars in Taurus, Jupiter in Scorpio.
The Little Bear having pushed Draco to the ground, In the East at dawn the Sun and his hosts rise with Leo. Mars (war) is in Taurus (Israel). Jupiter (Ruler of Gods) over Scorpio (the enemy). In the West, Cetus (Leviathan) and Pices (the fish) fall to the ground.
The Second Sign, the sign of Armageddon, 2008.
The Sun in Leo, Mercury in Leo, Venus in Leo, Saturn in Leo, Mars over Crater of Leo(Cup of indignation of His wrath), Jupiter in Sagittarius (the Archer, coming forth of the conqueror).
It's fun to think about, to be honest. I don't necessarily believe it shapes my life, but when I see descriptions of a Taurus, I can connect almost completely with it.
My sign is apparently ruled by Venus, which is connected with love, beauty, and money. I connect to that, and prefer those three in my life over other things. It's an earth sign, which is connected to ambition, focus, and resilience. These are three concepts that help me get through the day. Also, a Taurus prioritizes consistency and reliability in all areas of their lives. I need routine and security in my everyday life, which helps me cope with my depression and anxiety.
From an article I found: