This Thread is reserved for Discussion about the demon: Abezethibou.
This demon may have an alternative spelling or name associated with: Abezethibou (Testament of Solomon) but may have references to other theology or even mythology, and folklore.
Name: Kel
Title: A dream I had
Comments: I have a question. I have had night terrors since a young child. They always contain the same woman who pulls me comfortingly to her chest and then I can't breath or move. Recently I dreamed of her, racing toward me in a horse drawn wagon, I reached up and grabbed the front horses bridle and as I did a grotesque creature came out of her mouth. Although he stayed "inside" her, his neck elongated and he came face to face (Centimeters) with me. In a clear, but very deep voice he said (And I phonetically wrote it all down the second I awoke) "Abezetheboo. Beer musibet bin nasty hattin ee yee deer!" I typed into a search exactly as I had phonetically written the words and immediately got a return on Abezethibou and one on a Turkish saying (I speak zero any language but English) "Bir musibet bin nasihattin iyidir" which roughly (According to google) translates to a good scare is worth more than good advice, or one bad experience is worth more than a thousand warnings. It haunts me. Since then my night terror was actually seen and felt by my husband, at the end of our bed tickling his toes as I lay immobilized next to him, and she came back last night and told me "Even by yourself you will never be alone." It's all a lil freaky.
Kel, I'm not sure if you are a religious person but have you tried praying? I have been in situations where I have felt the presence of a bad spirit (In both my dreams and in person) and what it worked for me every time was to put my hand up in a square and say the following words with faith and conviction: "In the name of Jesus Christ, I command you to LEAVE."
Having said that, I don't want to pry but… have you experienced traumatic events as a young child?