Philippines Paranormal Incidents
Is the subject of Paranormal Studies in Philippines taboo?
If you mentioned to a local that you are into Paranormal Studies in Philippines will that be taken with scorn?
What are the most known Philippines Haunted Places?
Paranormal studies is not a taboo in our country. We have several paranormal groups who investigates cases around the country. Since Filipinos are into legends, folk lore and with our own versions of ghosts and monsters, I'm pretty sure every Filipino would have a story to share with regards to paranormal.
Most famous haunted place is the Balete Drive, a road located in Quezon City. It is haunted by a white lady who is reportedly appearing at night, hailing drivers, running beside your car while passing by or suddenly appearing in the passenger seat. Stories say that she was young lady killed during the Spanish colonization, while others say she was killed by the Japs during their occupation.