They do that every year it's nothing new. For some reason every time it gets more and more publicity so I continue reading my old horoscope.
Panic after suggestion zodiac signs are wrong
A Minneapolis astronomy professor has said he was stunned by the attention he was getting for suggesting the signs of the zodiac were all wrong. Ref. Source 8
Astrology Date Changes (Hover)
I think this adding of another Zodiac sign is all horse dung. I think that the ancients who watched the stars night after night after night for countless years had it right at twelve zodiac signs. This new sign the sign of the snake is stupid in my book. I think anyone can make a snake pattern using any stars they see in the night sky. This guy is just wanting fame. Lets stick the the twelve like we have had for centuries now. Changing it is wrong.
What astronomers don't seem to believe is that astrologers (The good ones, anyway) also study astronomy. We have known about the precession of the equinoxes for ages. Western astrology, however, uses the tropical zodiac for its signs, which is not affected by axial precession. Indian/Vedic astrologers use the sidereal zodiac, which moves along with precession. So you may have a Gemini moon in Western astrology but a Taurus moon placement in Vedic.
However, neither system aligns with the original twelve constellations anymore, nor do astrologers practice based on the constellations. So the signs have not changed, nor will they, unless astrologers decide otherwise. Astronomers do not get to decide.