Why I Am Pagan
If you are a Pagan / Wiccan / Mystic then please use this Thread to talk about how you came to be a believer.
I believe in the mystic arts. There is more to the world around us than we can see in fact there is more to this world period. Only ignorant people talk about how much they know. There is so much we don't know.
I call it the nature religion or the natural religion but most people know it as paganism. I believe in the natural religion because you allow your spirit to evolve by what it needs and not what someone tells you that your spirit needs. This allows you to see the truth of things and not the lies of man.
The believe of many gods has always called to me. So in my youth I studied them and looked up as many gods as I could find and being in the age of technology, it was fun.
While putting some of it into practice I have found that many things make more since with multiple gods rather than with just one.
Still many would call me one religion yet I know what I truly am and whom I respect and worship.
Personally, I became a pagan because of its freedom. I can construct my own belief system based on my own personal experiences. And while there are 'generally accepted truths' in the pagan community, I do not have to believe them. Also, being a pagan (Specifically, I am a Heathen) opens up a lot of dimensions in how I see the world. Simple things such as believing that spirits exist in everything makes me treat objects with care. Or simply feeling motivated to learn because I venerate a god of wisdom.